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It's incredibly obvious that my upload schedule has been suffering for quite some time, resulting in many late, and even a few missing, audios. I understand how unfair that is to you, a paying audience that has shown undue patience, forgiveness, and leniency towards my missteps, and I very much want to make it up to you.
At the beginning of the month, I began a new set of medications intended to help me better moderate my workload, but unfortunately, the combo was something that my body hasn't reacted well to, and work has been a greater hurdle than usual. This is not an excuse, or any sort of request for pity; it's my responsibility to keep myself on task, and though I had hoped that these medications would provide some much needed assistance, the right ones often take some time to find and I should have accounted for that more than I did.

Right now, the work I have completed is not something I would feel comfortable putting out, as I feel it falls greatly below my catalogue's standard. It will need another 2-3 days, maximum; I know that I often provide a timeline for late content that I do not stick to, and while I have nothing better to offer than my word, I am determined to see this through. It's time for a fucking change. You all deserve it, and I'm sorry it's taken this long.
Whether I post this late content in a dump or sprinkle it throughout the days is up in the air, but they will be posted, with a ramble included.

If you no longer wish to remain a patron, I encourage you to do what is best for yourself and your wallet. I appreciate your support whether you've been here for a day or the past 3 years, and choosing to opt out of a service that does not provide what you pay for is more than understandable. Thank you for sticking around as long as you have.

I have created a soundgasm for the month of January, where this content can be found, should you choose to unsubscribe. All those remaining will have regular access on Patreon upon posting.

Thank you again, and see you soon.

EDIT: I'm tacking on an extra day due to some personal issues that have sprung up. My hope is to have something out by tonight, but I wanted to let you guys know in case it creeps into tomorrow.
I teared up a bit reading y'all's comments. I am so fortunate to have you as listeners, thank you. <3



We get it when we get it damn it!😠 now shut up and take my money

Aaron Araujo

Sorry to hear your meds aren’t really working as intend, that must be incredible frustrating! We all appreciate the transparency and hope you understand we all will gladly wait for you and your process to get back into the standard you want 😄 Take care GP

paul foster

Oops, accidentally sent the last post,let's try again The fact you openly share/post the truth with a personal depth that I see as a consequence of you're true & engaging spirit, I haven't known of your work that long which is proper top shelf quality by the way so I'd like to tell you GingerbreadPigge it concerns me that you are putting so much pressure on yourself in order to make content for your patreons, like Aaron & probably many others I'd prefer to know you are well & happy enjoying the process you go through creating these stories than getting unwell from a sense of owing us content, please don't do that to yourself, please for me.😘