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Hey, all!

For those who don't know, my housemate and I have have recently contracted covid, despite taking as many precautions as possible, through some necessary home repair work. I am currently not exhibiting symptoms, but it has impacted my ability to edit- for those who don't know, I have, until yesterday, been without a computer, and thus have had to rely on a family member's generosity whenever I needed to complete an audio. Obviously, I couldn't risk infecting them, so I haven't been able to edit for about a week. Thankfully, I have just been very kindly gifted a hand-me-down computer, so I can finally work from home. I know I don't have a set release schedule, and that's not likely to change anytime soon due to various situational issues, but I do hope that this will allow me to get more done each month in a shorter amount of time.

Thank you all for your patience. ✨ I'm currently trying to get this computer fully set up (she's an older gal), and if all goes accordingly, new audios will resume posting starting tomorrow!!

Hope you goobers are staying healthy and safe!!



That sucks ass! Hope you stay well.


Hopefully the symptoms don't hit you too hard. I had covid last August and the worst part of it was the fatigue. I was sleeping like 12 or 13 hours a day. I'll pray for your swift recovery 🙏

Rick Altair

Take your time and get healthy. Your well being is more important.


This was scheduled from earlier and I can now say, the old lady is powering like a mildly geriatric dream~ Thank god <3


Thank you! <3 You and me both, dude. I'm worried about the fatigue, congestion, sore throat, and loss of smell the most. My housemate had it the around the same time as you and it hit her pretty hard, especially because she's autoimmune compromised, so I'm on the lookout for her as well. I'm sorry you had to go through that shit, but glad you made it to the other side!


Thank you! It does suck ass, but you know, maybe I can use the opportunity to catch up on Bling Empire if nothing else~


Thanks! <3 We've ordered a bunch of soup and juice ingredients to jackhammer in the vitamins, so hopefully that'll kick its ass a bit.


Please take care of your health first. We can wait 😊 just focus on getting better


Thank you, I appreciate that. <3 I'll definitely take a break once symptoms set in, but until then, I'm trying to get as much done as possible so I don't fall too behind. Now if only the new neighbors would stop rearranging their furniture every other day~


Awh that's awful to hear. Hope you get better you goober.


Make sure you look after yourself first; we love your work but your health is always more important, and I promise we can wait.

Mycha Shackleford

I hope you have a speedy recovery! Sending prayers and blessings feel better soon!


Thanks so much! I'll definitely take the time to rest if need be- I wanna keep providing content, but I won't push myself off the deep end <3

GingerbreadPigge (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-17 17:13:23 Thank you, I really appreciate that <3
2021-01-23 06:31:37 Thank you, I really appreciate that <3

Thank you, I really appreciate that <3