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And they say family planning puts a dent in the fun~

Welcome to my first NSFW audio! I hope you like what you hear. If you have any suggestions on improvements, feel free to let me know. I hope I can keep creating content that we both can enjoy! Thanks for giving this a shot!! <3




Afraid to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't listened yet but I just wanna say that the roleplay was really well done. The ending was def more impactful because of it

GingerbreadPigge (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-03 21:37:52 Thank you! I really appreciate that, I worked hard on it!! &lt;3 Thank you so much for subscribing!
2020-11-04 21:58:54 Thank you! I really appreciate that, I worked hard on it!! <3 Thank you so much for subscribing!

Thank you! I really appreciate that, I worked hard on it!! <3 Thank you so much for subscribing!


Who'd have thought, these old audios are just as amazing as they used to be :D