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Dissociation for us feels like moments where no one is in charge of the body. It feels similar to when you zone out and you can not move or talk (or only one or the other). The only time we are aware of this happening is when someone is switching or someone is wanting to co-front.

Other wise we do not know it happens unless we realize there are gaps in our memory-which has been happening more lately which feels kinda scary not remembering parts of our day...

So we hope you enjoy our heartbeats while we drink coffee and then start to dissociate...I think these beats are sick! ;)


My Gurgly Heart While I Dissociate & Drink Coffee

**This video is copyrighted. The use of this video in whole or part without permission from the creator is strictly prohibited. For Patreon viewers only at Wispy Shades ASMR.**


ron clint

Captivating beats from your ever- lovely pump. No matter what she does, its a gift 😘