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The concept is relatively simple. Create a body and give it intelligence so that it can act autonomously. In practice, this is rather hard to accomplish, even for elves. For the shell itself, Hellenere and Elliandri enlisted the help of Calla, a skilled craftswoman who could handle the detailed metalwork required for internal and external pieces. The elves would also rely on the shell's exterior being comprised primarily of "living wood." Living wood is specially enchanted lumber, allowing it to bend and shape in many manners (the elves regularly use it for complex construction). The inside would house certain crystals that would serve as the brains of the construct. These crystals are significant in that they can not be found in nature but are carefully fabricated by talented elf mages who laboriously form ideal crystalline structures for complex magics. These components combine into a suitable shell for an autonomous construct, a one-of-a-kind creation.

For Elliandri and Hellenere, markings and elaborate instructions needed to be made for their creation to function correctly. The crystals themselves would be modified, their purpose specific in what they would each control. The mind itself would be an arduous task undertaken by Elliandri, who carefully restructured one of the gems to function more akin to an elf brain (specifically using Hellenere's as the blueprint). The inner and outer shells would be marked in runes and symbols, each performing specific tasks to assist the construct. The outside markings primarily performed sensory functions such as spatial awareness as well as points of connection for its different parts and armor. On the construct's back, a specially designed crystal would be installed. This piece would keep the automaton active for extended periods, absorbing various forms of energy (kinetic, astral, thermal, etc.) and converting it into usable energy for itself.

With all the pieces in place and the markings complete, all that remained was imparting intelligence into the shell. Hellenere had spent months preparing her mind for such a transfer, sorting essential knowledge and memories that would be copied into the construct's mind crystal. Elliandri had convinced her colleague to copy over her emotion, allowing the construct to feel similarly to an elf (and it would benefit having the construct intrinsically understand feelings). Hellenere prepared herself, Elliandri embracing her companion as Calla observed. Elliandri braced herself, ready to stabilize Hellenere should her balance fail and allow the elf to draw power from her as necessary. The ritual was a straightforward procedure, but it demanded intricate care to every detail as Hellenere poured her energy into the construct. Every step had been carefully laid out, and each step, Hellenere dutifully completed. While draining, the ritual was relatively short as Elliandri caught the collapsing elf, and before them, the newly awakened construct stood.

Elliandri entrusted the greetings and introductions to Calla as she dragged Hellenere to bed for some special recovery treatment. Calla made the introductions, welcoming the new creation and asking simple questions to ensure that fundamental functions were working. With each question asked, the construct replied in a gentle yet inhuman voice, verifying its status. Calla then requested the name it wished to be called, which was answered, "Terra." With the basics out of the way, verifying the physical state of the construct remained as Calla fastened a fun device to Terra, who gave the craftswoman a small smile as she was led to the bed. Elliandri was already thrusting deep into Hellenere, the lewd slap of her testicles against the elf's rump making Calla aroused as Terra engaged her. The construct was gentle yet firm in its caress as its hips began to thrust, Calla moaning as the polished phallus slid inside her. Hellenere and Calla moaned as their lovers pressed into them, their vulvas wet from the stimulation.

Terra seemed to be enjoying itself as Calla succumbed to the automaton's lovemaking, every movement deliberate and with purpose, as it sought to bring the girl to orgasm. Hellenere whimpered as Elliandri's hips thrust, the needy elf desperate for her lover's touch. Calla and Hellenere submitted to the sexual prowess of Terra and Elliandri as they both were brought to a bed-shaking climax, the two girls quivering and panting, but their lovers were not finished with them. Elliandri and Terra would continue their loving assault, putting Hellenere and Calla in different positions as they displayed their expertise in intimacy. Hellenere could see herself in Terra, the pace and technique all too familiar (something Elliandri couldn't help but notice). As the lovemaking continued, Terra would eventually swap to Elliandri as the elf continued pleasuring Hellenere, and Hellenere took over and began satisfying Calla, an erotic stack of humping. The bed creaked and moaned with the girls as the sounds of pleasure filled the room. Terra's abilities were very much noticed by Elliandri as the girls orgasmed, their cries joyous as their bodies trembled, their womanhood gripping the pulsating shafts betwixt them.

While Calla thoroughly enjoyed the intimacy of Hellenere and Elliandri, her body could only handle so much at a time. With a sensual kiss, the craftswoman took her leave from the bed, requesting Terra to join her as the construct had more than demonstrated its body was in working order. Hellenere and Elliandri remained in bed, not finished with each other, as Calla began fitting Terra's armor plates. The body plates were relatively simple forgings as the runes held them sturdily in place. The helmet was somewhat complex in comparison, as it had multiple moving parts, allowing Terra to show or hide parts of its face as desired (featuring a fully enclosed helmet as Terra did not need to breath). Calla checked and ensured proper fitting an range of motion for Terra as sensual moaning came from the elves, who kept at it, unwilling to stop their lovemaking. Finished and satisfied with the armor, Calla and Terra remained, enjoying the sight of Elliandri and Hellenere's passionate coupling as they relentlessly continued.



David Barger

Loved this! Love how the cocks look and also love the cum :)