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Valkyrian Order membership is a closely guarded secret, with very few outside the order knowing about its existence. A small subgroup, while not members themselves, are allowed access to the order's facilities whenever they desire. This subgroup consists of the mothers of order members. Many of the matrons have limited involvement with the order, save for the occasional request to scry on a particular match or to obtain a memory shard (an enchanted crystal sliver) of an older bout for their viewing pleasure (requests, Elliandri is more than happy to oblige). There are a few, however, who still have a bit of fire within them and schedule private matches. Matches between order-member mothers typically don't last long, as far as the wrestling is concerned, and often play out more as rough foreplay as they compete to decide who gets to lead in the lovemaking portion.

Junea Hansben was one of the newer additions to the small group of mature wrestlers, having only begun training with Nara for a little over a year. Despite her inexperience, Junea was still quite excited to participate, the thought of winning or losing mattering little to the noblewoman. Mildred Linshire, on the other hand, was far more experienced, having wrestled for most of her life. Back in her prime, the woman took part in many harvest festival tournaments, representing her region, and was the one who personally trained Merina as she grew up. Despite being a complete mismatch, both women couldn't wait to get their hands on each other. Junea fantasized how Mildred would likely dominate her, and Mildred daydreamed about how she'd bring the noblewoman to orgasm. The scheduled day came, and both women stood face to face, eager to begin.



David Barger

Love it! Love the pubes on both of them :)