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The current queen of the Valkyrian Order, Estere, noticed Anni take up wrestling in recent months, the woman's conversations and inquiries often gravitating to methods, strategies, and requests to practice with Estere. For a while, the young woman acquiesced, training with Anni and showing her the basics of the wrestling she knew. During one of their training bouts, Estere inquired about who Anni wrestled with, as the woman wasn't participating in any official matches. The answer amused her as she discovered that more than a few of the older noblewomen were aware of their maids' and daughters' activities, and they wanted some action themselves. Anni proceeded to divulge that the widow, Junea, had taken an interest in her, the pair often meeting in private for more intimate wrestling matches. Seeing Estere's surprised expression, Anni reassured her that her husband had given her his blessing in this affair (not a terribly uncommon occurrence amongst human nobles).

With this new information, Estere made a point to visit with Nara to see what she knew about the situation. It came as little surprise to hear that Nara, in fact, knew of the tryst and was even training Junea herself (much like Estere and Anni). With this confirmation, Estere proposed scheduling a unique match. Win or lose, both women would lay with the other's maternal figure following the bout. Carnal familial relations were not explicitly outlawed but were still frowned upon amongst humans, and the two had come dangerously close to crossing that threshold with Anni and Junea. Estere and Nara wanted to see them satisfied and agreed this was a suitable compromise. The two determined a date and arranged to consult with their matrons before finalizing the match with Elliandri.

Estere found it surprisingly easy to convince Anni, who thought the whole idea was "quite naughty but very exciting," as she soon agreed to participate. Junea wasn't that difficult either, but she teased Nara with statements like: "I thought for sure it'd been Geiselle you'd want to watch me with," or, "You really want to watch me being pleasured by another woman? What a naughty girl you've become," Nara's face was constantly a bright pink leading up to the match. Elliandri was more than happy to schedule the contest, the elf finding the whole situation unbearably arousing as she informed Geiselle and Nymphia, the trio planning to watch through the goddess's scrying orb. Estere went so far as to get lord Legault's blessing, aware that Junea frequently visited the manor. Legault kissed the woman on the forehead, granting her his blessing as long as she thoroughly pleasured Junea. With the arrangements settled, all that remained was to show up.

The day finally came as Estere and Nara led their partners to their respective changing rooms, removing their clothes before coming face-to-face on the wrestling mat. The atmosphere was far more playful than the usual competitive spirit that resided in this arena, the two pairs excited for the match that was about to begin. Meanwhile, in Nymphia's realm, the small audience watched in suspense, eager to witness this unique wrestling match.



David Barger

Love this love the little short story too :)