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Some pour their cruelty and malice into rings of power. Elliandri showered her insatiable lust and depravity into the ring before her instead. Calla watched in amazement as magic energy flowed from the elf into the ring. Both Gruenne and Calla were rather excited when the commission from Elliandri reached them, as they knew she was likely going to make something enjoyable. The two artisans put the final touches as Elliandri finished the enchantment, the two working together, gently hammering out the imperfections. Elliandri soon returned, instructing Gruenne to put the ring on her manhood. Gruenne did as she was bid, unsure if the enchanted band would even fit on her. It didn't come as a surprise that as she donned the ring, the enchantment warped it so that it would automatically accommodate the wearer perfectly. Elliandri then instructed the pair on how to activate the primary enchantment, demonstrating as she uttered the command word.

In an instant, Gruenne felt an overwhelming orgasmic force course through her. Her penis immediately erupted as thick strands of sperm sprayed forth. Elliandri moved to support the small Daemos as thick seed continued to pour out, Gruenne gasping out moans as she drowned in the pleasurable sensations. As the artisan's legs grew weak, Elliandri deactivated the ring, her test subject shuddering in her arms as Calla coaxed the remaining fluid from her sensitive phallus. With the test successfully done, all that remained was for the three of them to have a bit of fun as Calla climbed onto the table, beckoning for Gruenne to join her. Elliandri seated herself comfortably in a nearby chair, eager to watch the two lovers go at it. 

The elf was not disappointed as passions swelled between the two artisans. Gruenne found her pace as she began to thrust, moving her hips sensually as she parted Calla's labia. Elliandri toyed with herself as she watched the two lovers embracing, Gruenne burying her shaft deep in Calla's womanhood. The pair moaned passionately as Gruenne's pendulous sack slapped against her lover's rump, the Daemos's glans rubbing against Calla's most sensitive regions. Elliandri began to whimper, her fingers sinking into her vulva as she watched Gruenne's pace quicken, Calla, writhing beneath her, moaning loudly as her lover began to pound her pussy. Gruenne arched back, thrusting hard as she climaxed, her lover panting erotically, convulsing as she orgasmed on the Daemos's thick phallus.

Elliandri couldn't help herself as she used her remaining magic to summon a phallus of her own, her eyes pleading with Gruenne, begging her to sit on her lap. Gruenne could hardly say no as she gently kissed Calla before dismounting the table, plopping her plump rear on the elf's hips. Calla watched, catching her breath as Elliandri and Gruenne rubbed their manhood together, both members throbbing as they brushed against each other before Elliandri moved to insert herself inside the Daemos. Gruenne often took the dominant role in sex, making her womanhood a rather tight fit as she lowered herself onto the elf's penis, the thick shaft spreading her labia. Calla couldn't bear to watch Gruenne's rod go unattended as she moved to join them. The artisan carefully mounted her lover, sandwiching her between two lovely women, her womanhood and manhood simultaneously stimulated.

A delicate balancing act began as Elliandri gently stimulated Gruenne from below, holding Calla steady as she pleasured herself on top, her lover almost crying out as the stimulation overwhelmed her. Neither Gruenne nor Elliandri lasted long as the two soon orgasmed, their warm seed filling their respective vulva. Calla soon joined them, crying out as her walls tightened around Gruenne's pulsating shaft. Calla dismounted, squeezing herself next to Elliandri, the pair caressing one another as Gruenne rose from the elf's lap. The Daemos felt she had one more in her as she grabbed Elliandri's legs, lifting them high, maneuvering her erect penis to lift the elf's testicles out of the way before parting the mage's labia. Calla held Elliandri close as Gruenne roughly pounded away, with each thrust met with a resounding wet clap. Gruenne relentlessly pleasured the elf as her lover watched, the sight of her paramour dominating arousing her immensely.

Elliandri's womanhood began to contract around the thick penis that mercilessly sought to bring her to climax. Gruenne could feel the elf was close and uttered the command word, the enchanted ring around the base of her shaft glowing as it activated. The remaining sperm within Gruenne's sack emptied into Elliandri, who cried out in ecstasy as an unintended effect of the ring emerged. The orgasmic energy that coursed through Gruenne also flowed through Elliandri as thick ropes of cum ceaselessly rushed forth, coating her face and body in her own thick seed. Calla watched in awe, mesmerized by the seemingly endless amount of fluid the elf contained, some of it landing on her as Elliandri's penis sprayed uncontrollably. The mage gasped the command word, the ring returning to its dormant state as the two remained panting, exhausted from their orgasms.

"I think this might be a perfect gift for Nymphia. You two should meet her, she's quite a lovely goddess."



JP Edwards

This is the correct way to use magic!