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Twas a day Elliandri had hoped would come as Junea stood before her, asking to try her special potion. The noblewoman couldn't help herself after seeing its effects on Geiselle and Nara and finally worked up the nerve to ask Elliandri. By this point, the elf kept a large stock of the substance, brewing it in large quantities for the sizable group of women already using the potion. Elliandri demonstrated its use before handing a glass bottle to Junea, instructing that a small swig of the fluid would suffice. The mage held the noblewoman steady as the effects began to show, a moderately sized manhood emerging. The sensation caused Junea's knees to go weak, her body growing warm as lustful thoughts filled her mind.

Junea embraced the mage, rubbing her sensitive member against Elliandri's. Feeling the phallus stiffen against her own, Elliandri squatted down, taking the noblewoman's shaft in her mouth. Junea gasped as fingers parted her labia, stimulating her vulva, as Elliandri's lips teased her glans. By this point, Elliandri was an expert, her touch delicate but deliberate as she coaxed a quick orgasm from the noblewoman. With a passionate yelp, thick fluid spurted from Junea's manhood, coating the elf's tongue and face with the warm, sticky substance. Elliandri smiled up at the noblewoman before rising to kiss her. Junea accepted the kiss, their tongues pressing together as Elliandri shared Junea's seed. The noblewoman was fully debauched by now as the elf turned, exposing her womanhood to Junea, her labia wet, desperate for something to part them.

There was little hesitation from Junea as she slid her shaft into the mage's vulva, the sensation causing the noblewoman to moan. Junea thrust her hips, thinking back to how Legault would move his when he pleasured her. It proved to be effective as aroused moans emerged from Elliandri, who began to back her hips into Junea's. The room filled with the sound of their lewd voices and the clap of their hips colliding. Junea nearly fully mounted the elf as she pounded away, holding Elliandri tight as she neared another climax. The noblewoman could take no more as the elf's womanhood tightened, Elliandri crying out in ecstasy as Junea buried her penis deep inside. Fluid erupted from both women's erect members as lustful moans echoed throughout the room. As her orgasm subsided, Elliandri lifted Junea off her feet, carrying the woman on her back.

The elf sat the noblewoman onto a comfy leather chair as she mounted the woman's shaft. Elliandri rode her mare like a stallion, bouncing atop her steed. Junea could do naught but moan as the mage expertly rode her phallus, the stimulation almost unbearable. It wasn't long before the two orgasmed again, Elliandri making a mess of the room as she haphazardly ejaculated while Junea deposited another sticky load into the elf mage. The elf dismounted, her orgasm barely subsiding. It was now Elliandri's turn as she parted Junea's dripping labia, her engorged shaft fitting snugly in the noblewoman's womanhood. She wasted no time as her brutish thrusts pounded into Junea, her veiny cock stroking against the noble's weak spot. Junea trembled beneath the mage, her legs growing weak as her needy moans became depraved cries. With a final thrust, Elliandri sent the noblewoman over the edge, seed pouring forth from her throbbing manhood as the two women climaxed again.

The pair continued their lovemaking, Elliandri mounting her steed once more. Junea was exhausted but pressed forward, driving her shaft deep into the elf's vulva. Elliandri rode, gyrating her hips as she did, panting all the while. The noblewoman convulsed uncontrollably as the stimulation brought her to a fifth orgasm, her cries now desperate whimpers as she was drained dry. Elliandri dismounted Junea's rod, only to mount the noblewoman's face as she took Junea's spent phallus in her mouth. The noblewoman did likewise as the pair licked and sucked each other clean, tasting their partner's seed. Not long after, the couple sat together in the chair, Elliandri teasing and groping Junea as they cuddled. They sat for a time, quietly embracing, kissing, and caressing before eventually returning to their quarters, thoroughly satisfied.

