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A cheeky faun wandered through the entrance of Altner Manor, seeking out a particular individual. She found who she was looking for as Trika emerged from the equipment shack. Trika had just finished cleaning up as she turned to see Brunie walking towards her, the naughty faun obviously in heat. The pair embraced, and Trika pressed her lips to Brunie's as they shared a sensual kiss. There was little foreplay as Brunie grabbed Trika, lifting the sea folk's leg as Trika leaned against the shack. Brunie slid into Trika's snug vulva, holding the woman steady as she began to thrust.

Trika turned to face her lover as she was swept off her feet, Brunie lifting her as she continued stimulating herself in Trika's womanhood. Again the duo kissed, Trika infatuated with her furry lover as she stifled an aroused moan. Brunie turned, leaning against the shack as she bounced Trika on her stiff member, her breathing labored as her muscles began to tire. Trika lowered herself back to the ground, turning around as she backed her hips into Brunie, pressing her rump against the faun's soft fur. The duo moaned as Brunie pressed into Trika, her knot threatening to breach past the sea folk's labia as she pounded. Brunie's pace quickened as her hips began to thrust more rapidly, the faun desperate to release. Trika let out a depraved whimper as Brunie pressed her against the shack, lifting one of Trika's legs as the faun thrust, panting as she felt her penis begin to pulsate. With a passionate gasp, Brunie came, unloading her seed into Trika, who quivered as her own orgasm coursed through her.

 Trika collapsed to the ground breathless as Brunie braced herself against the shack, the faun's body still hot from the exertion. Brunie, not yet finished, mounted Trika, who let out a startled squeak as the faun began thrusting into her again. Trika had Elliandri with her last time to help satisfy the insatiable beast, but this time she was on her own and would learn how a faun in heat makes love. Brunie's moans became rough grunts as the fur-covered beast desperately sought to satisfy its urges. Trika held on tight as the harsher treatment turned her on, her vulva growing ever slicker with her love juices. After a short while, Brunie rolled onto her back, pulling Trika with her, who now sat atop the faun's messy shaft. Trika required no instruction as she rode Brunie, slamming her hips down, taking the beast's rod to the base with each gyration of her hips.

Brunie's shaft only became messier as more fluid spurted forth, leaking from Trika's womanhood as she continued riding the faun's shaft mercilessly, Brunie crying out as her body wracked with pleasure. Trika gave no reprieve as her rump continued hammering down against the beast's hips, the sea folk seeking an orgasm of her own. Trika's legs weakened as her vulva contracted tightly around Brunie's rod, the beast rolling Trika to her side, passionately kissing Trika as she did. Brunie needed more as she spooned Trika from behind, toying with the sea folk's breasts as she thrust. Trika offered no resistance as she moaned, exhausted by the faun's insatiable lust. Brunie pumped, sheathing her phallus deep inside Trika's defiled womanhood. The sea folk was quick to climax as Brunie's rod had found her weak spot, leaving Trika a convulsing mess as the beast pulled out, ejaculating all over her lover's backside with her final orgasm.

Elliandri had been recording some important research documents in her room when she looked up from her work to see that outside, Brunie and Trika were going at it like beasts in heat. The elf couldn't help but feel slightly envious of the two, but it was good that Brunie encountered Trika, as Elliandri was too busy today to properly satisfy the faun. The mage allowed herself a moment to admire the view of two of her favorite lovers enjoying one another before resuming her work. Hopefully Trika had the stamina for Brunie and her virility.



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