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Nanalee entered the room. Her timing could not have been better as, before her, stood Geiselle in all her glory. The maid had received an offer earlier that day to join in a threesome with Geiselle and Nara, which Nanalee most certainly accepted. The maid soon realized that she was to be their plaything as Nara removed her clothes, revealing her erect member. The noble lady took her place on the bed as Geiselle helped Nanalee out of her garb, the squire's rod brushing against the maid's backside. A yelp of surprise escaped Nanalees lips as Geiselle shoved the maid onto the bed. Nara's outstretched arms caught the startled maid in a loving embrace. The noble lady wasted no time as she slid into the maid's nether regions, coaxing a pleasured moan from the maid.

Geiselle leaned over to kiss the maid's bottom as she climbed onto the bed. Nara's thrusting ceased when she felt her lover's erection against hers, allowing Geiselle to slowly stretch Nara's vulva as she entered. An audible gasp came from the maid as Nara and Geiselle shared Nanalee's snug womanhood, their thrusts working together to stimulate the maid. Neither Geiselle nor Nara could last long as Nanalee's tight walls, and the feeling of each other shaft against their own brought the two to a quick climax. Nanalee soon followed as the trio lay panting, gasping as pleasure washed over them. This would only be the start of their evening as they soon resumed, Nanalee now riding both Geiselle's and Nara's shafts.

Again and again, the trio would orgasm, Geiselle and Nara filling Nanalee with their thick seed. Their slick rods couldn't soften as rubbing against their lover's shaft kept them erect, an endless cycle of pleasure and stimulation. Eventually, Nanalee reached her limit and required a moment of respite. She lifted herself off her lovers and took the pair's thick shafts in her mouth, her tongue working its magic as both Nara and Geiselle trembled. Nanalee dutifully cleaned their nether regions, tasting the mix of the two women's love juices. Nanalee, having finished her work, laid and watched as Geiselle sat the noble lady on her lap, sliding her rod into her lover. Lying back, Geiselle bounced Nara, her erect penis swaying about as Geiselle plunged deep, sheathing herself in Nara's womanhood.

With a desperate cry, Nara came, fluid spurting from her shaft in long, thick ropes of white. Geiselle had found Nara's weak spot and mercilessly pounded the noble lady from below, her hips meeting Nara's rump with resounding wet claps. With each thrust, more fluid erupted from Nara, the lecherous lady crying out in pleasure as her body convulsed, her legs shaking uncontrollably. Nanalee sat in wonder, holding the quivering noble lady as a shocking amount of fluid shot from Nara's stiffness, making quite a mess, Nanalee might add. Nara's reprieve came in the form of Geiselle's own orgasm as the squire unloaded into Nara's tight womanhood. Geiselle's whorish moans were muffled under the maid's rump, which sat atop the squire's face.

The rest of the evening was spent in different positions as the trio continued pleasuring one another. It wouldn't be until the late hours of the night that the threesome would calm, and the three women would slumber together in the squire's bed.

