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The two women stared as they prepared. Dianne was a particular thorn in Geiselle's side and was often an opponent she struggled to beat on the mat. The noble lady always enjoyed her matches with the squire, win or lose. Geiselle forced Dianne to perform at her best, and since the pair always agreed to post-match coitus, victory was made all the sweeter. The duo took their places, the two women anxious to get started as they gazed upon each other.

Geiselle was swift, the first to act as she sought to knock Dianne off her feet. The squire succeeded as the two now struggled for dominance on the mat, shifting and grappling for any advantage they could get. Geiselle may have been on top, but she soon found herself trapped between her opponent's legs. Dianne enjoyed the thought of keeping the squire between her legs (A fantasy she had more than once when alone in her room). Dianne knew she couldn't hold the squire here indefinitely and, with her powerful hips, sought to flip Geiselle onto her back. Geiselle struggled but found herself exposed on her back as the noble lady's legs remained tightly wrapped around her. With her arms successfully pinned above her head, Dianne's spare hand began to wander down, seeking to exploit a weakness of Geiselle's.

In a real fight, Geiselle would have no equal on the mat, but with the modified rules and the nature of these wrestling matches, the squire had a severe weakness. Geiselle's body enjoyed the touch of a woman a bit too much. The moment any opponent capitalized on this vulnerability, the squire's knees would weaken, her focus distracted as she would try to fight her opponent off. Dianne was acutely aware of this vulnerability and attacked it at every opportunity. The noble lady's fingers caressed and stimulated Geiselle's vulva, the squire fighting her every step of the way.

Doing her best to resist, Geiselle squirmed and shifted under Dianne, stifling her aroused moans as the noble lady continued her assault. The squire's movements paid off when she seemingly found herself in a position to reverse control. If she was focused, she'd have known better than to choose her next move as she locked Dianne's head betwixt her thighs. A move that would prove counter-productive as the noble lady tasted the squire's sweet flower, her petals parted skillfully by Dianne's tongue. Geiselle desperately tried to counter with delicate fingers of her own, the squire feeling her hold weakening with each flick of Dianne's heavenly tongue.

Geiselle found herself in a worse-off position (allegedly) than she originally was in as Dianne's legs tightened around her head, burying her face in Dianne's nether regions. The squire returned the favor as she licked and toyed with Dianne's Labia, the noble lady letting out a lustful moan as she pinned Geiselle. Geiselle caught a lucky break as her tongue struck a sensitive nerve, sending a shudder through Dianne's body, a passionate cry escaping her lips. It was enough to allow the squire an opportunity to slip out from under her opponent. What followed was a mad scramble as both women fought for control. The pair grappled and tumbled around the mat, their grip struggling as their bodies were slick with sweat. Both women were exhausted, panting as they desperately clung to one another.

The noble lady emerged on top, laboriously breathing as she lay atop the squire. The exhausted Geiselle's chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath. Succumbing to her adversary, Geiselle conceded the match as Dianne rubbed her vulva against the squire's. The noble lady arose victorious as she briefly departed the room. A few moments later, Dianne returned, bearing an extra set of parts with which to conquer Geiselle's nether regions. This time Dianne was met with little resistance as she forced Geiselle on her back. Geiselle's legs were invitingly spread as Dianne entered the squire with ease. Neither woman held back their lust as the noble lady thrust deeply into the squire, each stroke met with impassioned cries, the duo desperately wanting to orgasm. Dianne's hands gripped Geiselle's soft rump as she relentlessly pounded, wet slaps emanating as she humped.

Geiselle rolled her lover onto her back as Dianne's pace began to slow, the exhaustion of their match taking effect. The squire's hips swayed as she rode the noble lady's erection, moaning whorishly as she came closer to climax. The room was filled with the sound of debauched howls as the two ladies trembled in orgasmic pleasure. Thick sticky fluid flooded Geiselle's womanhood as Dianne's throbbing shaft unloaded into her, the pair holding each other close as their climax abated. Neither of them were particularly hurried for things to end, and Dianne remained inside Geiselle as the two gently swayed together, fulfilling their lecherous desires.

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