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As the new queen of the order, Estere thought it high time that she and Geiselle perform a "trust exercise" to establish a deeper relationship with one another. She'd enlist the help of Ellia's magical services and persuasive abilities to get Geiselle on board with her plan (as if Geiselle would be so hard to convince). Estere also decided she'd take this opportunity to try something and asked that Geiselle wear her armor. Lilla would be tasked with keeping Ellia satisfied during this meeting, and should she perform well, Estere would personally reward her.

The day finally arrived, and Estere could hardly contain her excitement as she entered the room. The woman standing before Estere was clad in steel and bound in place by magic, but she showed no sign of resistance. Estere, seeing this level of trust extended to her could wait no longer. She needed to reward Geiselle and prove herself worthy of such trust. 

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