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He had no love for battle, but when the monsters from the sea threatened his territory, Legault was the first to lead the charge in defense. Creatures from the sea sought to make the shores their hunting ground. In response, humans, sylves, fauns, and daemos would send patrols to scout the coastline. In the event of large war-bands, these patrols would alert the nearby settlements, before proceeding to the nearest city to inform the nobles charged with defending territory. Desia, a city on the western side of the southernmost lake, was where Legault resided. The city's proximity to the west coast was usually enough to dissuade water dwellers from the shores in the west, however, some small groups would try their luck at hunting.

Legault was one of the nobles in charge of defending the district around Desia. Born to a family of military generals, Legault trained at a young age in commanding soldiers along with handling weaponry. It was not uncommon for a lord to pass along responsibilities to lower-ranking officials when minor bands of monsters appeared. Legault, on the other hand, would personally lead his soldiers in battle. Often, he used these small expeditions to train his soldiers and generals in new battle tactics. During the invasion of 1647, many soldiers cited the training as the primary cause of their success during the decisive counter attacks lead by Legault. It was during this conflict that Legault would meet Ellia, his future court magi, and Aurelli, a renowned elf knight from the eastern territory. Aurelli would end up acting as a liaison between Legault and the generals on the east coast, passing on his strategies.


Legault leading the attack on a small band of swamp dwellers


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