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Nanalee was ever welcome as far as Ellia was concerned. The girl was always willing to experiment, often proposing to be subject to Ellia's magic. Add to that a debaucherous nature, and Nanalee became Ellia's favorite test subject. Whether the experiment called for a concoction, illusion, or temporary transformation, Nanalee was always there to accommodate.

The title "headmistress" was Nanalee's, and she took to supervising the care and preservation of the manor. It was years ago when Nanalee met Ellia in this chamber. Ellia had been fucking herself (as in summoned a dick and penetrating herself type fucking ) when Nanalee wandered in. After a moment of stunned reticence, Nanalee asked, "Wouldn't a partner make things easier?"

"Yes, but that would require someone to volunteer, and there aren't too many willing to be a mage's test subject," Ellia Responded, as she held back a series of moans.

Nanalee's curiosity had gotten the better of her as she walked up to the elf magi. Tenderly caressing the petite woman, Nanalee looked into Ellia's eyes.

"Would I be suitable for your tests?" Nanalee inquired.

Ellia placed an arm around Nanalee's waist, drawing the maid close. Wordlessly she measured Nanalee's magical potential. The woman was of humble birth, but there was adequate mana to justify Nanalee to at least be a suitable guinea pig. Such a day was the first time the pair lay together.

Nanalee revisited Ellia often. Since their first time bonding, the two took to experimenting with unconventional ways to pleasure one another. Ellia's infatuation with creating the phallus often resulted in Nanalee trying many fashions of cock. This time Ellia went for a more standard penis, but in an act to toy with Nanalee, modified the level of sensitivity. 

Perched atop the woman, Ellia could see that Nanalee was struggling to maintain her composure. The woman put on a brave front, trying her best not to be the first to climax. Today, however, would be Ellia's, as she slid herself down to the base of Nanalee's member. She could feel the throbbing, in her loins as Nanalee let out a gasp.

"Don't hold it back, sweetie," Ellia said, consoling the now trembling maid. "I made this cock of yours far more delicate today. I'm curious to see if it will make it easier for you to peak multiple times, or if it has some other effect."

It was with an impromptu push of Nanalee's hips that Ellia felt filled with the headmistress's mana. Her bosom heaving, arms, and legs shaking, Nanalee let out a cry as she let everything go within her lover. A note that while climaxing, Nanalee would regularly deposit a portion of her mana directly inside Ellia. This time, however, was different, as she unleashed her entire mana pool into Ellia's unsuspecting womb.

The energy that coursed through Ellia promptly brought her to climax. Her body quivered as Ellia eyed her lover. Nanalee lay unconscious, having depleted so much energy. Still shaking, Ellia raised herself off Nanalee's rod and kissed her partner gently upon the lips. With this act, Ellia returned a small portion of mana to Nanalee. Ellia whispered an apology as she held her darling close, the pairs' bodies just now starting to compose themselves.

As she drifted off, Ellia could only think of how perfect her little sex subject was. 



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