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 **I did NOT use any Patreon money on this, it was purely from donations set up speficically for that from people who wanted to help.  My last video (which was Patron only) was flagged and age restricted by one of you guys and also there were two dislikes >.< I just wanted to clarify in case someone misunderstood. Patreon is supposed to be a safe place where I can be comfortable knowing that you guys love and support me, so if you have an issue with the types of videos I post, please unpledge. :c If I wanted negativity I would have posted it publicly.


Bo Lehm

Also one of the donators through paypal. I just cant see the issue that sad individual had when flaggin the vid. A dislike well that is meh but acceptable, but a flag is just assholery imo. I do hope i dosen't discurage you from making content on the bit more edgy side.


Yeah especially since no kids would be able to see it since it's patron only..thanks for your support Bo!

Caleb Carr

Make the content you want to make... and ignore the haters. You can't make everyone happy 😏