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Hewwo again! So I tried the limited custom video tier options for a while not but its not working well for me being in school. I've decided to change those tiers to custom art commissions because I spend most of my time on campus where Im unable to film videos but I AM able to draw digital art :D As u can see there's also a NSFW art tier which I am experimenting with to see my comfort level with it, I'm not sure if I'll keep it or not. 

To anyone who has ALREADY paid for a custom video and hasn't gotten it yet, please either message me for a refund or if you don't mind waiting a while (could be a few months) for me to get around to filming the last few orders. 

Sorry for any inconvenience, I'm going through a different phase in my life so things are quickly changing. I know some of you aren't interested/don't care about my art so I completely understand if you don't want to continue your pledge, no hard feelings~ And to those who will stick around, I am so grateful for your continued support! Thank you so much ^-^



#UnpopularOpinion Hi Nora. Love your youtube and hope school goes well for your future life goals. I just wanted to present an alternative view point to blaming "university" for "no more RP bideos" While obviously university courses are time consuming of your bideo time, would you really just give up on exploring alternative solutions to this problem at the first road block school dumps in front of your channel? Surely you're not the first asmrtist to upload bideos every month while enrolled in university? Since you know Gibi, perhaps you could ask her quick advice on time efficiency strategies for producing bideos when life becomes too busy and demanding? Given that she's grown her channel into the "millions" of subs, I'm sure there were scaling challenges she faced and overcame along the way that perhaps would be similar enough to what you might be facing if hearing her solutions could open new ways forward for you? Or if getting a cutting edge laptop for bideo editing while on campus, using your student account with editing software on school computers between classes, etc. still wouldn't help, one possibility I could think of would be only using your own time for filming your face in front of the at-home camera-mic setups plus making executive business decisions, while any other thing which could be done by anyone else not you necessarily (editing, social media management / admin / assistanting, etc.) could be delegated/outsourced to volunteers or automated as a system in cases like those explained in the book "4hour Work Week" -but while still possibly taking some time here and there to further improve on delegating/outsourcing non-YOU-required production responsibilities into your personal-time-saving volunteer/assistant system as your youtube business scales? And though it's clearly nobody's business to pry into your own personal reasonings, it does seem curious as to what a university degree could do career-wise for someone who already runs her own successful online business. At best, university degrees these days offer merely a starting point for new grads to get their feet in the doors of 9 to 5 companies working 40+ hour weeks 50 weeks a year as company slaves to bosses they abhor with restricted time off possibilities. Having established your own successful online business already puts you in a more free and profit-scalable (or adjustable) career position most university grads could only ever dream of to achieve some day, so still curious how what your writing classes are supposedly teaching you would be a comparably worthy time investment when you've been writing acclaimed bideos for years so far just fine. Investing 4 years of your life away should ideally payoff opportunity cost wise 4 years later based on where you'd hope to be in terms of quality of life + freedom levels affordability then from how you'd spent your focus on both school vs business over those 4 years. You have many dedicated and loyal fans who'll stick with and support you no matter which direction you take your life, however your channel's profit and growth will always enjoy its most fully realized momentum whenever you're at least supplying what your paying followers demand. So why not just still offer the bideos they crave but raise prices and use the difference to pay an enthusiastic team to help do everything else necessary to get those bideos uploaded that wouldn't require your personal time involvement after initial filming rather than trying to test out alternative offers to what you might guess we'll similarly crave and making less $ just because you can't offer what is truly craved with only solely your own time anymore? It just seems like the winning mindset would be to strive for win-win solutions like these rather than to merely blame school for being higher priority than your channel's continued successful momentum. Afterall time IS money, so if YOU lack time, but your supporters are willing to pay additional money to watch more bideos from YOU, then using their additional money to pay a team to spend their TIME finishing up bideos after your initial filming makes rational business sense right? (: If the paying fans would fund and/or non-paying volunteers could offer their assistance to help make continued craved bideos possible, then why would this need to be an "either or" dilemma, and why wouldn't you be able to do both school and dragon/alien/rp/etc. asmr bideos? Perhaps Gibi could refer you anyone she'd know with asmr editing skills/experience from her contacts network to start? Education works great in the end for those looking to get into big rewarding tech companies or starting their own businesses or doing a career which is their dream where entry requires a highly specialized technical education degree. However for many people myself included, university was just 4 years "vacation from reality" learning nonsense during the weekdays that'd never be used for 99% of real life just so weekends could be spent goofing off with "friends" when afterwards the best you'll get is a minimum wage 9to5 with bosses and coworkers you don't even truly like realizing you're now left with 4 years less of an ever shortening life to grow the "dream business" you really wish you had, so hopefully looking at things from another perspective could be helpful to think about in the future? :-) Not trying to be negative here -only concerned thinking critically, constructively, realistically, and honestly btw! No shame in not doing everything on your own either... one secret to the most successful peoples' success is that they don't do everything on their own anyway, even if they may create the illusion of that case! In fact for scaling above a certain income per hour ratio, it's essential your business starts building teams to handle all the non-artistic more basic tasks for you anyway... So why not start now, or at least consider giving it some thought during your next school break if it'd be necessary for scaling business income from thousands of dollars a month to tens of thousands of dollars a month and beyond eventually anyway? Love your artistry and all the bideos as always! Hope school is helping you in some ways perhaps not yet understood, and congratulations on the 200K youtube subs! :-)


2nd, some of the advice you've given is maybe helpful, but I want to mention one thing: I don't know what she studies, but how much time consuming university is strongly depends on what she studies. So just because Gibi had enough time for ASMR during university doesn't necessarily mean that Nora also has enough time.

Lit Dank

These are some good points, I also agree with what Toxicity said. I love her videos and miss frequent uploads as well. But I also don't want her to feel pressured, you never know what is going on behind the scenes in someones life that is too complicated to explain to strangers. I'm just gonna hang low at $5 a month for now. A well organized team to assist her to make more frequent uploads really is a good idea that maybe she hasn't considered.