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Hi friends! I want to thank you all so much for your ongoing support, I appreciate it so much and it means a lot to me especially in times like this. and I’m sorry I wasn’t able to directly message and thank some of my new pledgers. I haven’t been able to be very active lately. My grandfather, who I am very close to and had a huge part in childhood, is dying in the hospital. I took a bus to my hometown to be with him and my family for the time being. It is my first experience with death of a loved one. Because of this I won’t be able to make videos regularly or fufill the patreon rewards for this month. Anyone who is waiting on a custom audio or video, just message me sometime next month to remind me when I get my head back on. I’m really sorry for any inconvenience and I hope you understand! Thank you.



Oh no q.q Our thoughts are with you. Take any time you need. Family is very important. Take care! *hugs*


I'm so sorry to hear that 😟take all the time that you want seafoam ☺

Steve Lloyd

We are hear for you seafoam kitten 🐱


I'm sorry 🙁.

Skytrapal (Alastair)

I am sorry to hear that. We are here for you. Take all the time you need. We all love you and care about you. Hugs and kisses.

Cursed Alastor

I’m terribly sorry for what is happening, but just know that you’ve got us, we’ll always be here for ya 💙 Love you 💜

Jason aka asmrpeople

So sorry 😢😢 spend as much time with him as possible.

Leon Foxtales

Sorry to hear that :(. Sending hugs your way! <3

Jean-François Bédard

I like when artists on Patreon care enough to give news... some artists stop for 2 or 3 months but gives no news... it leaves us wondering

Smooth Riverrock

Much love and sympathy, Nora. Take your time.


Just do what is best for you, in my opinion you owe us nothing. But I still appreciate your message and I'm really sorry :(


Understandable, take your time.


Sorry to hear that. Good luck, I hope his remaining time is peacful

Josephine Warner

I lost my cousin in 2017. He was practically a brother to me and I still have a hard time not crying when I think about him. It's horrible to lose someone you love. Just know we're here for you, and I'm sorry you have to go through this.

Josh Cotter

Sori to here that nora take the time ur need to recover and be ur normal bubbly self ok. Loosing a love 1 is not easy i think i told u that i lost my gf in a car accident 3 years ago.