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Probably this is my last animation 

As some of you know I live in Kyiv, Ukraine and we have terrifying situation here. 

Today, At 5:06 AM I was editing this animation for public release when suddenly I heard 2 explosions. I asked my friends if they heared them too... 

No one was sleeping already. As figured out, Russia started a new war. Real war. 

I know you guys might think it's not that terrible, but the problem is a lot of people don't get enough information about this.

Now I'm sitting in a bomb shelter with parents and trying to make a plan what to do next. I'm going to abandon my house, but I cannot bring my computer to work on because it's too big. 

I need your help to go somewhere far away from war and start a new life. You can support me on https://patreon.com/BobVolskiy . If you'd like to donate more than my only tier price - press "Become a Patron" then «Make a custom pledge»




Been following the situation closely, still it all seems so unreal. I wish you all the best of luck. For you, your loved ones, and your country.