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Sometimes, when two certified good boys become friends, it unleashes their mischievous side.

Good Boy and Diasuke first met when they were in first grade. It was the first day of school when Good Boy noticed the shy fox from across the classroom. The little guy seemed uncomfortable for some reason as he shifted around in his seat. Good Boy wondered what what was troubling the quiet fox.

Later that day at recess, Good Boy noticed a group of kids standing in a circle. "What could possibly be so intriguing", he wondered. As the kids eventually dispersed he realized what all of the commotion was about. It was little Daisuke. The poor fox was sitting on the ground sobbing. Good Boy walked up, sat down next to the boy and placed his paw on the fox's shoulder. "Hiya! My name's Good Boy. Whats yours?" The crying fox looked up that the liger with his large green  watery eyes. Between the sniffles he replied, "My name's Daisuke." He then showed the liger the bone shaped tag attached to the red collar around his neck. "Daddy says that this is how you spell it."

With a huge smile on his face Good Boy next asked, "So Daisuke... Why are you crying? Whats wrong?" The little fox looked away for a moment as his face turned beet red with embarrassment. Then with a squeaky voice the fox replied, "I... I still wear diapers. Daddy says I have to stay in them until I learn how to make it to the potty during the day." Daisuke's words made Good Boy's ears perk up. He then looked down to the telling poofiness of the foxes shorts and the sound of crinkling as the little guy shifted around. The shorts however were also soaked. Apparently, Daisuke sprung a leak. Good Boy could not believe it! He really was wearing diapers. Daisuke then began to cry again and continued, "Nobody will ever want to be my friend! Who would ever want to be friends with a big baby? I'm the only fur in the whole wide world thats still wearing diapers to school. Nobody else is like me! Nobody will ever understand!"

Upon hearing Daisuke's words, Good Boy began to giggle. This only made Daisuke more upset. "See! Even you think its funny! Your laughing at my diaper too!" Good Boy just laughed even harder before saying, "I'm not laughing at your diaper Daisuke! I'm laughing because you're being silly! You know... you aren't the only big kid in the world who still wears diapers." He then smiled even wider as he lifted the edge of his shirt and showed Daisuke the white plastic trim of a diaper sticking up from above his shorts. The liger the patted his own tooshie, causing it to make the telling crinkling sound that a diaper makes. "See! I wear diapers too!" Daisuke's eyes lit up with delight at the sight of another late bloomer. "Wow you really do wear diapers too!" Good boy nodded again, "Uh hu! See you aren't alone Daisuke. Potty training is stupid. There's nothing wrong with still being in diapers. You aren't alone and you definitely shouldn't be embarrassed. You should be happy. It's something that makes you and I different from others. It's what makes us special! It's what makes you special." Good Boy the stood up, reached out his paw and helped the fox to stand. "Now, lets get you to the nurses office for a fresh change. So... do you like paci's too?"

After that day the two boys became good friends and learned to embrace their little side. Always  wanting to stay little and embrace their babyish tendencies. At the same time, they also became quite the trouble makers when they were together, always getting into some sort of mischief and driving their parent's nuts during playdates. The two were always into, or up to something. There were plenty of days that the two were sent to the playpen after creating some sort of havoc during playtime. They didn't mind though. Playpen or not each was just happy to have their buddy at their side. You would think two boys about to enter fifth grade would act their age, but these two have no reason to.

Paw Painting

-Fursona's belong to Daisuke Fox and Myself

*Early Access / Exclusive Art #1 For: October 2023



Al Gonzato

Poor little guys. I wish I was lucky to have a friend like Good Boy. Maybe I would have one more friend than I ever had in my life (which was 0) 🥺


***Huggs*** Gnzanto!!!! ill finger paint on Good Boys walls with you or should we go to teh Foxies house first