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Heya Kiddos! After doing the last four sets of pages in the video format, I feel like I have it down and set up the way I want it. So, after much thought and consideration, I decided that it would be best to start back at the beginning of the book and work our way up. These will all have the newly remastered pages with the extra content in them, so it will be a good way for you all to re-experience the book from the beginning without have to read the pages if you don't want to. It will also be go for any new Patrons as well.

Also, as I have come to find out, no matter how many times my husband and I pass pages back and forth for proofreading, there are always a few mistakes that don't get picked up by us, but show up when I run the text to speech and put all of the audio together. So, each week as I post new videos, I will fix any errors I find in the PDF's for that set of pages and update them.

Lastly, I will still try my best to get you all a few extra videos at either the beginning or end of the month like I said before. The text-to-speech site allows me a certain number of characters each month on my plan, so any unused characters will get used for extra pages at the end or beginning of each month. Sometimes I may group both a first of one month and last of another together meaning you would get like 4-6 videos all at once. It just depends on my schedule.

After I do a few more of these, I will probably share some of the original ones from the more recent pages with the public. I am really hoping people will like them and join us here each week. These videos are a lot of work and take up far more time each week than I should be for what Patreon provides each month. Thing have been getting kind of rough everyone, including myself lately, so the need for more Patrons who can stick around is crucial for me to be able to continue with all of the extra content here.

Anyways, hope you all enjoy the new Story Time Videos as they come out! Time for Asher to begin the most wild journey of his life. As always thank you all for the support. I can not do it without you guys. 

It's time for you to be read another set of pages from With Little Paws We Toddle Afar! Grab your baba and paci, its time to snuggle up for Story Time!

*Please DO NOT re-post artwork from Patreon that has not been released to the public by me first. Please DO NOT impersonate me/my fursona or any of my characters. List of sites I am on: https://linktr.ee/goodboyliger


With Little Paws We Toddle Afar: Pages 1-2

So... Our story begins



It's such a good experience to explore this wonderful story again in that way. The birthday day chanting at the start really surprised me and i giggled a lot about that.


YAY! That's what I had hoped for. I think everyone will enjoy reliving the story again with its new content in this format. Something fresh and new. FUN FACT: That's me singing happy birthday in the beginning. I changed the pitch with multiple samples of my voice and overlayed them with a chorus. I am a terrible singer, but it came out okay. :P