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Big news everyone! You now have the option to download MOBILE LAYOUT PDF and STANDARD LAYOUT PDF files! These should make it much easier for those of you reading the book on your phones. I will still include a normal image file as well. I have also adjust the layout to no longer be in the book mockup, so hopefully it will make even the image file easier to read.

This will be the new layout and standard for here on out. I will slowly start working my way through the old posts of the book's pages and updating them to the new standard, but be aware this will take some time to do. However each week will now be released just like this.

Lastly, I have a huge surprise for you all coming tomorrow! I will be posting something a little different in place of the usual Sunday artwork just for this week. I hope you all will be excited when you see it.


*Please DO NOT re-post artwork from Patreon that has not been released to the public by me first. Also, please do not impersonate me/my fursona or any of my characters. Anyone who is posing as me on a outside of sites listed here: https://linktr.ee/goodboyliger is an imposter. (Except Twitter which is not listed)




First off, I really liked the previous format, but the PDFs are incredible, both the mobile and the standard versions. The little QoL features are just the cherry on top. Really appreciate you going to these extents to make all your content more accessible for us all. Now, for the story proper, I've got to say that I can truly relate to Asher's change in personality. Going from a happy and overly energetic kid to shy and reserved was hard to deal with. But thanks to finding this community, and in no small part to your work, I get to relive those feelings the best way I can.


Like usual I read that part in bed before sleep. Today it was so much fun with the mobile phone version! But it also was a very good new part. I had so many feelings reading this! Thanks so much!


Yeah, I can relate as well. Its one one the pieces from my own personality that I wove into Asher. The book really is an amalgamation of life experiences and personalities of people I have met as well as myself.


I love it when people tell me they read the book before bed. It was one my goals and expectations that it would be used that way. I loved being read stories when I was little (still do) I really wanted this to be something littles could read or have read to them.


You’ve done such a great job with all of this put together. I’m happy to report that the load times have gotten better too. The illustrations are all very well thought through and detailed with your own unique touch. I’m only about a third through the book, but I am loving it, happy to support you.


Thanks JJ! I am glad to hear that replacing your router did the trick. Since I have been converting over the old pages into the PDFs, I have also decided to freshen up/remaster some of the old artwork as well. I am trying to start lining things up for an eventual physical book publication. And of course, thank you so very much for the support!