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The winner of the poll of how to embarrass me next on my first day of middle school was: Good Boy gets his soaked diaper changed and dressed into some sort of baby outfit by his caretakers. So, here you go. =^.^=

Upon returning from recess, Good Boy's new teachers/caretakers decide that it is time for another diaper change and maybe something other than just a t-shirt since it it cooling off outside. They can't believe that such a big liger is still in diapers and acting so immature! All the other kids are either potty training or well on their way, making Good Boy not only the biggest kid at the daycare, but also the biggest baby.

That being said, they are still quite happy to have the big toddler as part of the class. Surprisingly, He seems to be fitting into his new class quite well, considering everything that has happened up to this point. He plays well with his classmates, he is polite to his caretakers, he even took a nap without fussing, well except for some whining for a milk bottle. He must have wanted this deep down inside, because he seems so happy sitting on the floor in his diaper playing with the daycare's toys.

Good Boy seems to have given in and is enjoying daycare far more than school. I wonder what his mother will think when she picks him up? Ms. Mary called his mother to tell her that he was at the daycare instead of the school next door. She briefly explained that he had an accident and was brought over to the daycare by his teacher. She did not go into detail about his behavior though. His mother mentioned that he had been in diapers all of his life, but nothing about being so babyish...

The Liger's New Clothes - Winter 2023

~Part 6 of Good Boy's First Day of Middle School~

*Exclusive Art #1 For: January 2023*




Loved the art


The color of his pacifier changed between the panels ?