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Not really a bad news or something. I need to delay the update release to next month. Since there are bunch of things I need to add before I close chapter 1 fully(The Kana and Sayako thing) is the end of chapter 1.

Also, I might update the price changes when chapter 2 starts. Because I have a lotttt of bad experiences long time ago. I am sharing this now to let people know what is up. There are several reasons for this.

1. To filter trollers. Yes, I don't mind jokes and stuff. But, when people keep hating and ends up doing the thing that I will despise. I have no choice but to do this. Pretty sure some know what kind of cases that made me end up hating NTS and resented it. Probably won't touch it at all tbh.

2. I have always wanted to do NTR and Netori for a long time. NTS is there because I know how a lot of NTR dev usually takes the heat. I won't touch NTS again tbh. Since, I enjoy more doing shadow play and hidden sex.

3. I am being really really "tame" right now. Because last time I try to do r*pe and stuff. I am worried if I would get into trouble by the big guy. Hence, the subscribestar and pixiv fanbox exists. This is why most NTR or NTS game ends up being... tame.

4. I made it cheap in the first place because a lot of people like to spread rumors that some NTR dev milking NTR fans. I always wanted to do NTR, but my first experience in that f95zone, really aren't pleasant. Hence, account deletion so I won't go back there.

If you think I am not "worth" it. Then can unsub and spread bad rumors. I don't care, XD. The prices I will try to do similar like fujino did. Oh, that image is one of the possible hidden events. That's the reason of being delayed and try to do Paradise Island properly and shut people up who harrassing me let people play Sayako. I don't mind to totally skip the whole story, go there and do like alchemist tris tbh. I don't like writing a bunch of stuff and make the game became depress simulator anyways.

I can spoil the reason NTS being abandoned as well. Because this series are supposed to be dark. Some even don't want it end up being total "NTR". So, people have to accept that this is NTR game.

Also, Kana bunny sex scene won't even happen for NTS since I have resented NTS too much. >.>




To be fair, I also felt the current plot was very tame and mild. I don't mind it this way, but I personally can definitely handle something with much more kick. I just thought that was your preference. Regardless on how you decide the plot will unfold, I just want to add you should do what you want from the get go. Folding under pressure will just lead you to double guess yourself and force you to backtrack. Just plow through this project, any feedback you recieve that you consider legitimate you can apply on your next project.


well, not going to set a bad example of keep reworking the game all the time. I am more interested getting to that chapter 4 asap. What took me a lot of time is executions tbh. People hate soft reset as well. People have to wait for why need to be chapter 4 can play Sayako fully though. Only feedback I would accept is, not depressing enough or not heart wrenching enough. Because that is the problem with NTR tbh. Also, NTR doesn't really... last long. Antagonist got the girl then, done. Just more sex. That's it.


yo le entre mas por el ntr no debes cambiar tu version pues es tu historia asi que los demas opinen diferente ya es problema suyo y con los precio no se me hace caro eso que yo pago en peso mexicano tu siegue con tu trabajo te digo que e visto muchos juego tu realmente le pones mucho esfuerzo tu sigue así vas por buen camino