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Trust me, I love my own NTS storyline tbh. But it is just not famous or won't make any sense. It doesn't even have any strong point in it since I am not doing a lot of immoral things in it. For example, I don't have the right card for it.

Right now, everything is average just because I am trying to fulfill every fetish. Which, I better avoid that. Not into keep reworking the game.

My NTR storyline have a really strong point and a right card for it.

1. Jack are clueless that Sanako and Ayako have a dick which can avoid him being totally dumb. He is just too trusting and in denial.

2. Better a good NTR story rather than everything became pure average.

3. I am not going to sacrifice my own selfish needs of NTS, but I have to go for full NTR and use the perfect card for it.

4. I am going to fully proceed for it being NTR. I will prepare 2 type of endings for it. Because that latest image are not really NTR. There is another one that is deeply depressing.

I do want to keep doing multipath game, but NTS ain't it for my game. It is weak and don't have the card for the right one. So, I better go for a full blown NTR and take from NTR storyline. I apologize but there is no right card for it.



I think its for the best, looking forward to what you're cooking for the depressing ending


👌 Great


It's for the best- but all that work done on NTRS scenes- maybe there's ways to use them still?.. At least the cg scenes. Either way- now you have full focus and don't need to decide how what you implement make break other routes.. You can actually concentrate on having a story from start to finish and see the ending without running into snags just on basis of having to make it work for both.. I think progress should be a lot smoother now.. when you get motivated to make things how you want.

FutaFantasyNTR (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-23 08:51:34 yup, I know it is pretty sad to abandon NTS storyline, but it is just not famous and kind of not worth it for me imo. It is really vanilla and I want to avoid doing a soft reset since that is not what most wanted from gathering a feedback. Since NTS writing is pretty hard due to how many requirements it need. While NTR, it is faster and easier for me to keep track of it.
2024-01-23 04:48:47 yup, I know it is pretty sad to abandon NTS storyline, but it is just not famous and kind of not worth it for me imo. It is really vanilla and I want to avoid doing a soft reset since that is not what most wanted from gathering a feedback. Since NTS writing is pretty hard due to how many requirements it need. While NTR, it is faster and easier for me to keep track of it. Also, might as well use the right card for it and make a better NTR story tbh.

yup, I know it is pretty sad to abandon NTS storyline, but it is just not famous and kind of not worth it for me imo. It is really vanilla and I want to avoid doing a soft reset since that is not what most wanted from gathering a feedback. Since NTS writing is pretty hard due to how many requirements it need. While NTR, it is faster and easier for me to keep track of it. Also, might as well use the right card for it and make a better NTR story tbh.


Probably for the best, hopefully this means less problems in the future


yup, because I am not into keep reworking just to fill in every fetish while the game are pretty average at best. Because my standard for both NTS and NTR are really high and I want to avoid plotholes. So I better go for full NTR and take from NTR storyline since my NTS storyline are not famous and meh at best. I know it is good for the game health but I don't want to keep finding every road and stuff just for my own selfish desire, lol. Better a pure and specialize NTR or NTS.