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I finally got it after spending a long time in coding. It is still in pretty much beta or something tbh. If you're wondering if it's animated, yes, it is animated. I am still designing specifically for Kana atm

Alice and the others will have their own unique animation. I am that ambitious, still thinking what kind of animation and still in progress designing and stuff.

Edit: I will keep re editing this post rather than spamming some useless thing. So you guys can see what is the latest menu kind of thing. This is what I meant by nukige. Nukige are fun to make. Integrating most stuff with sex.




Vaginal: 0- so starting count from Sayako eh?.. Wouldn't alice have some pre-story experience.. Juliette maybe too?.. I guess Yuki and Kana would be virgins?


It's just an example, XD. Still in design how to properly make it looks nicer than the old sex stats. That's why I scrapped it long time ago tbh. Been learning how to code a bit of plugin and stuff by watching some tutorials and stuff. Yuki might be a virgin. Kana, yeah, XD. I really preferred antagonist got the first dibs on main girl virginity, but I will just do it to establish the real love anyway. Since, NTR need the girl will compare later.