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Not that it matters anyway I think, since people will use gallery unlocker anyway. This is more like treasure hunting or something to find when it happen or to see what the girls are thinking anyway. XD




hidden scenes but they're more like flashbacks I guess... Touching bed to see what happened on it before-.... Like some sort of spiritual skill that lets you see the history of objects.... But yeah- it's just bonus- We're not meant to assume Jack is sharing the scene with us i'd guess.


Yeah, more to girl pov. Well, I mean most want me go into details, I am going to the best details as best as I can, lol


This happens every time I close and try to reopen the game. Failed to load: js/plugins/VisuMZ_4_AnimatedMapDest.js


Weird, I never encountered that error. Have you try redownload the game? Because it is only that specific plugin that is missing