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There is shit tons I need to do before closing Chapter 1.

1. Castle Library Map and the War Room (Which I will use in chapter 2. Just need to prepare it.)

2. Several sex scene(Alice and Juliette) animation

3. Play testing for checking the bugs

Also yeah, I almost feeling the burn out since I am preparing for Chapter 2 before Chapter 1 closed since too many design mistake and taking notes on where I fucked up.

Will release an update when I can.



I don't think a slow update doesn't mean you can't get paid. Other games get paid even if they don't update for 2-3 months. I think it's better to take a break while thinking slowly without stopping the payment..I think you deserve it It's my personal opinion.

Joel Hernandez

Yeah i agree with bbobbu also take your take your time a well polished project is better than a rushed one


this is why I kind of thinking to do itch.io tbh in the future. Easier, people can't get mad if I update a bit slow tbh, XD. I can have all the time in the world when to release an update. But yeah, it's my own mistake for using patreon due to it's heavy negativity tbh. Some already called me a scammer in several sites tbh. But in the future, I delete the tiers when chapter 2 is done. I don't want anyone to steal my series tbh