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I saw some rpgm game having trouble lately with a huge size. I might need to separate in the future. I even got report that the game have a memory leak and so on. Which I have no idea how to solve the issues to be honest and currently trying to solve the problem.

Since currently, the game is like Chapter 1 only. Just letting you guys know first before I pissed someone. Since I should avoid pissing people as much as I can.



Mm- memory leaks are something pretty common in this engine itself. I didn't notice it happening it when I played through though and your animations weren't taking up much space so it should probably be fine. But not a problem if it gets out of hand and splitting it has to happen- I just don't think it'll be necessary for this one unless you start adding much longer animations instead of loops.


Yeah, I made a huge mistake in making a 4 second loop. I should go with 1-2 second loop tbh before this. Also, I need to at least have 1 completed game as well. I read a lot of stories about other dev and stuff. Some of them are really worrying.


4 second loop was lagging the game you say? What happened when you added a 4 second loop to it? Also I know your English isn't your main language and so some things are lost in translation- but I have read some notes here on patreon and I have a question.. You are not making multiple games at one time are you? I think you've might have said "game" but meant "route" a few times instead. Can you clarify? You are working on just Futa Fantasy- with two routes(netorase + netorare) Or is there something else?.. --------- Speaking of netorare route that I hope you're still doing- something that would be low commitment but high effect would be adding extra sprites- or have the same sprites with minor changes. Such as blushes-visible breath- fluids leaking from under skirt and such. Sprites shown in few frames during dialogue that the player may catch that hint what happened- rather than it having to all be in dialogue teasing. Would also like to see(not this game- but if you create a new game in the future-) more variety of body types. suchs as abs or smaller chest size characters.


From my understanding: Memory leaks are a problem if a game session runs for too long without restarting the game. That's independent of the game's file size. If you think the game gets too big in terms of file size... the usual culprit are images. Some formats are more efficient than others, and some formats allow good compression at barely, if any, visible losses in quality. Maybe reach out to the folks who compress other games' sizes on F95zone, if they have some advice regarding programs/formats/settings?


Nope, making multiple games is just asking for trouble, lol. This game is my main focus right now. Tbh, I am planning a series kind of thing like manga. Something like that


yup, I am looking it up on finding a way to compress and stuff. I am worried if the compressor might screw up or something. Let me try some of the options