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I will also remove this feature. Wait/change daytime and days will be accessible at camp bed or player bed at Alice house. Inn will straight up change day and at dawn.

A huge issue caused by this is immersion breaking. I tried for the obelisk accident and change daytime went back to Yuki, I ended up rest on the bed during day. Which is doesn't make any sense at all. The direction I am heading will be linear since the huge problem I am having was to let player have freedom but what I ended making/sacrificing is immersion, making sense of things and also story ended up doesn't make any sense.

In a way, I will try to design to not hassle the player too much. Like going back and forth and so on. Like sparring with Juliette at dusk, I will automatically change daytime to dusk myself.

I apologize for this removal of a feature. In order to make up for this, teleportation have a new point to teleport straight to adventurer guild which ease the travel of submitting the request and so on. And I plan to do so for any upcoming update.


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