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Due to trying to make up with that last shitty sex scene in chapter 1.

I am going to release a public version of chapter 2. For both NTS and NTR.

Basically, I got so caught up in drama and try to settle down the situation but it ended up bite me in the ass since I really do try to calm the situation down. Precisely why I deleted discord and just focus on the game and avoid any social interaction from this onward.

So, yeah. A free chapter 2 release but it won't be a lot. Just a bit story progression and the last sex scene of both NTS and NTR sex scenes.

As usual, NTS sex scenes won't be a lot though since the writing for it is too hard since it is really complex and too varied. Some like it "extreme", some like it "light".

This is why I want to focus on NTR storyline first because the real intention of this game is NTR but I got tear to shred due to some complaining about NTR which ends up "this" happens.

But what will happen in chapter 2 is basically a total different kind of gameplay but yeah, I will focus down on NTR storyline first since that is the real intention of this game. But, I will update NTS when I can. Like I said, I like NTS like anyone else but the game got update got so slow is due too many ideas I can do and also covering up the "plot holes".

Since, I am not a AAA writer that can cover every plot holes and doing a lot of writing. I had to use AI to try fix my grammar mistake and stuff though.



I think it makes sense to fix some small things in chapter 1 before chapter 2 if you plan on keeping them together and not separate dls. Mainly the anna quest which can be broken a bit too easily depending on if you start it with or without your party already. It should be simple for anyone to understand that you need your party to leave town- and how to get your party. Before it was at your bed- but that was changed and so now(at least last I checked)- it's not clear.


I will refix/remaster chapter 1 in the far future just like kagurado did with his tentacle series. Because, I want to do a lot more there tbh. For example, when the party goes back from the Joanna swamp thing. There should be a moment where Jack and Kana taking a rest at the loren village. Which, in this case, Sayako will finger Kana. That one is missing. It is a pure rushed. Also, I am planning to bring back Joanna back since I want to use her as a lore thing for Sayako lore book. But yeah, I am not sure how to execute these things.

Josh Makkara

What about fixing gallery unlock? 2 scenes don't unlock when you try to.


yup, I am adding that in this chapter 2 as well. Since, some said they are having a huge lag or serious fps drop.