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I will do a price increment in the future and we shall see how many people will hate this. I will do this when chapter 2 hits.

The reason I put a low price in the first place is simple.

1. I am pretty much a new dev and trying getting around with the RPGM engine. That sex stats took me 2 month to code and learn how to program it. Not to mention, planning around. Even Monster Lord took me months on how to execute it.

2. Even I paused and worked on the game for free and try to improve the game. I got tear to shred anyways. So, at least, the price will make up for that.(One of the reason I focus on my full-time job atm.)

3. Like I said, this is one of the main reason I said, I can't stay in one game far too long.

  • NPRI got tear to shred due to 4-5 years of development.

But anyway, I will just pace myself and better do it for the game health itself.

4. I still want to stick with dual storyline since it would increase the replayability. Like I said, I want to make the game have 0 good ending for every characters in chapter 2. So, one of them will be the true end and I will continue from there. One of the reason I said, I want to do it like Nebel and Building our futature. Just, people still have to use Jack. Because futa NTR with shadowplay is just too rare. I won't ignore the story since I did say that I want a really good story. But, chapter 2 is the last NTR and NTS I will do, be warned. Since, chapter 3 will be the Nettori. Jack won't be there anymore. It will be someone else where people will 100% hate the guy. Since, my old vision, the game will turn into Nettori at one point.

I just make this post public. So, if some want to be mad, they are free to do so. But, I won't rush or anything since I better go for quality and a decent renders since I know my writing is pretty much shitty. But, I just like build ups



I have 2 questions: (1) Will Sayako only be at 100% in Chapter 4 as planned or will that be brought forward to the end of Chapter 2? (2) Will the whole group be gone after the end of Chapter 2 or just Jack and maybe Kana since Sayako got what she wanted?


Chapter 3 is the start of using Sayako 100%. I am just here to fill in that futa NTR with shadowplay and stuff. But, I don't think I will do chapter 3 though since game development is just not for me. Well, you guys have Icarus, Anis and some dev that do futa NTR anyways. But, like I said, with the current income I have, the more things I have to keep scrapping. Even I want to pace myself a lot of people hate.


I remember two people on the council suggesting that to yah back in the discord days as it made sense for the scale of project you were doing. As long as everything stays on track your fine


like I said, I am stressed like anyone elses and do try to complete the game. But rushing and so on is just not the answer tbh. But, chapter 2 is probably the last I will do though since game development is just not for me. I didn't account for leaks as well since, people just wait for the leak which lead me to just go for full time job. But, anyways, chapter 2 is the last. If I have the mood to continue the chapter 3. I will do it someday I guess.