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Mega : https://mega.nz/file/l0MkHJLA#Jna76Ezj0r7UpLtSc28pHZjDFBn_LqPiBYGiLXPrObk

Google : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V1HmucqrgE07gpLG81J1WaGcNo_mHimH/view?usp=sharing

Now I consider this complete with a huge bug of mess since I want to continue the story tbh.

NTS is there but.... Like I said, it will be the typical what everyone talks about.

This is the problem with NTS and NTR. It have become so typical that everything is not new anymore.

Besides, I want to fill the chapter 2 with more shadow play with futa NTR because futa NTR with shadowplay is so scarce and hard to find.

Anyway, I will start to lower the reso and avoid 4k rpgm and there is a cat that will tell that I am in search of game engine. I do like rpgm but.... never knew it have this kind of limitation.

Game engine that I am starting to look at is:

1. Tyrano Builder

2. Renpy

3. Unity

But at this rate... I don't want to learn how to use new game engine.

Apology for not being able to live up to your expectation.



"This is the problem with NTS and NTR. It have become so typical that everything is not new anymore." In terms of feeling, NTS wasn't quite NTS typical at the end of Chapter 1. Just like Jack was at the end of Chapter 1 and wanted to lose Kana to Sayako for fetish, he won't seal Sayako, which he was supposed to do in NTS. In addition, there is the feeling that NTS Jack was too corrupted at the end of Chapter 1. Theoretically, Sayako could already get control of Jack's body in Chapter 2 and together with the control of Kana's body, Sayako would have achieved her goal at the beginning of Chapter 3 . NTR cuts a better figure but isn't quite typical either, as the game uses invisible steals. If Sayako has complete control over Kana's body, Jack has completely lost Kana. Of course he and the rest of the group can't see it. For example: Jack thinks he is having sex with Kana but what he doesn't know is only with her body but Sayako is in control of it and Jack indirectly has sex with Sayako. 1/2


"Besides, I want to fill the chapter 2 with more shadow play with futa NTR because futa NTR with shadowplay is so scarce and hard to find." I agree Just a stupid just for fun idea. Wouldn't it be additionally interesting if Sayako, as she grows stronger, is able to whisper to Jack when he watches the shadow play. Since she wants to convince him not to seal her anyway, it would be an option for Sayako. Neither Jack nor the player know who this mysterious voice is that Jack wants to manipulate, but Jack gets involved because he also likes the shadow play. "Because what I have been trying to do, people will use her in full power and no more hassles of going through the story of her powering up bit by bit. Well... I mean in that chapter 4 is kind of doesn't make sense" It would be a shame for Sayako and Jack if both of them didn't have to make any more effort and it leaves a bitter aftertaste for the player without any character development. When Jack becomes more vulnerable and Sayako can manipulate Jack better. Sayako's capture of Jack's and Kana's bodies and they unite. If she succeeds, it would also be bitter for Alice if she has to watch as she loses her adopted children but is too late for Alice to save them. 2/2

Marcel Fiere

would it be possible to fix the last 2 scenes in the menus?


Yup, I will fix it in the next update. I was too rushing lately. Wasn't able to complete it fully as well due to trying to separate and stuff.

Mathilde Perré

hi ! i'm at the "day off: go to dinner room" and the suit of the game don't go, is it normal ?