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Since people have no idea what I am doing. Here are the planned roadmap or pathway? Not sure, my english just bad. Here are the plans.

Chapter 1 - Cacus Village

Chapter 2 - Eversea Town(Monster Outbreak)

Chapter 3 - Renkai Village(Learning of Sayako Origins[At the end of Eversea Town, party will learn the true name of "Sayako"])
Chapter 4 - Ancient City of Juno

So, here are the few reasons why my update kind of slow lately.

1. Making sure story are not pure dumbfuckery or lazy. Since, I keep playtesting the game making sure the story aren't going everywhere.

2. I am starting to pace myself. Last time I try to pull like fujino stunt, I got literal burnout and almost hate the project.

3. Looped animated sex scenes.

4. Bug hunting. Which, I have 0 clue how some got bug here and there while I played from beginning. I have 10 saves that start from beginning by the way.

5. My health are not doing well since I focused too much on the game. Not mental health. A literal physical health.

6. Real life problem. So... Yeah.

After this monster lord encounter, The party will meet Joanna back and she will bring some... "stuff". Is the game NTR? Not sure, I have a really skewed view tbh. So, I will say, cheater series. Because the act of NTR, need the lover be stolen completely. Will Jack suffer? I have no idea what people want, but.... I think he will suffer? The problem usually contexts.

About this month update? I might say that Monster Lord might be lacking a bit since I am more trying to create why Monster Lord doing the Monster Outbreak and hinting upcoming chapters kind of thing. Will I rework it? Tbh, I wanted to do more during Jack and Kana fireworks. Which, in that part, Jack and Kana are supposed to have a dinner and dancing. But, like I said, a lot of rush.

Is the game will be pure game? Balancing sex scenes in between has always been a huge problem. But, I am trying to avoid a snorefest which have a lot of dialogues or wall of texts. So, I am trying to balance it. This is why I like Nukige. Nukige are fun to make and fun to play. Since, I like making sex scenes and also making sure people don't snore at a wall of texts with no meaning.



Physical and mental health are very important, take care and pace yourself. Sayako is fucken beautiful, but she won't have a story without you.👍


"Because the act of NTR, need the lover be stolen completely." Helping Sanako and Ayako is Jack's motivation and Jack is Sanako and Ayako's hope of getting their own bodies back, so it's not good if Sanako and Ayako completely steal Kana so that Jack loses his motivation and, in the worst case, leaves the two of them to their fate , the group leaves and disappears. Sayako wouldn't like it if Jack took revenge by sealing her, if Jack is her target after Kana but the separation of the two makes it unnecessarily harder to persuade him to get his body. If Sayako controls Kana's body and Kana and Jack continue to be a couple, it makes it easier for Sayako to get to Jack's body and control it. Alice and Kana have the best chance as mother (Alice) and girlfriend/not biological sister (Kana) to convince Jack not to seal Sayako, even if Kana has to be very creative to convince Jack, especially if her cheating is exposed but with Sayako's With help she will find a solution, even if Kana doesn't like it.


Kind of its a bit weird as there have been NTR where the girls have not entirely been taken by the antagonist. Its a bit weird but in Manwha there are a lot of examples of it. The one way I looked at it was Jack disappears as once Sayako makes her move he escapes to search for a way to stop her and so while shes having her fun he's searching for a relic. Thats when he comes across Joanna who gives him a relic that can help separate Sanako and Ayako from Sayako. He returns one final battle and saves the other two by separating them. Except one itty bitty flaw the diffusion Sanako and Ayako got dicks now. Sayako is still around but her powers are weakened thanks to the split. Jack decides to forgive Sayako despite all shes done ending the cycle and so everything goes back to normal. Or so we think as the girls still go behind his back and have fun with Alice, Julie, Yuki, Kana, etc keeping to the NTR lul