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Okay, I will be honest. My writing sure is shitty as fuck. But, I did try to find an original way for NTS. But yeah, this is not really original. Kind of close to Adelaide Inn or even Warped Desires I guess...? But yeah, this is just lame tbh.

Also, when Jack take a peek at this. It is animated so yeah, like I said, I do try to complete the game and tried not to rush as well.

I will also make Jack unnameable and also blacken his face out later. So, people will 100% see him as unnecessary character.




Honestly I am just glad to see more from the NTS side of things. It has always been your best work. Just as before, if you need grammar help feel free to reach out. Cheers


I do appreciate but right now, I am trying to control the story because almost 100% of people around here are confused as fuck. That's why I am trying to plan ahead for future chapters. Since, I am more interested in trying to get that Monster Lord. That thing take a lot of my time since I want it to do these 2. Sex and Story.


Not bad. You could always if you want have Sayako tease Kana like the tent "What if Jacks watching" but this works to. If you want original NTS should you could make it to where Jack aint the goodie two shoes you think he is kind of like that new anime go go loser ranger. Where the hero's are just fakes. Jack helps Sayako almost for his own personal gain and she gets the girls so its a win/win. He helps her get them by setting things up for her. Hey (pick girl) Sayako wants to talk to you by the shed, wait a few seconds, go there insert scene. Not seen many games do that. But its u2u


Now you see the problem here? The story goes all over the place tbh. Again, NTS is not swinging imo. More to "caused someone to cheat". But, again, NTR storyline is definitely good to avoid Jack from being so dumb. I don't like writing too much either. This is why I said, nukige are fun to make and fun to play.