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Please a serious poll and suggestion.

  • Pure Jack POV(Soraue style) 10
  • Have the girls POV as well(Scars of Summers style) 12
  • Both Jack POV and Girl POV(Takeda Bakunyuu Harem Style) 84
  • 2024-04-30
  • 106 votes
{'title': 'Please a serious poll and suggestion.', 'choices': [{'text': 'Pure Jack POV(Soraue style)', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Have the girls POV as well(Scars of Summers style)', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'Both Jack POV and Girl POV(Takeda Bakunyuu Harem Style)', 'votes': 84}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 30, 8, 33, 11, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 106}


Ok, since I am having a headache. I really wanted to stick with Jack POV. Pure POV of him in chapter 2 later.

Can give a serious suggestion? Because I don't want to do this on a pure whims. Since, I want to stick with my vision with the game. Don't want to scrap it either and rework.

Paradise Island is just a meanwhile thing while I am thinking of something for that monster lord thing. Since, I want to satisfy my lust for Hardcore Corruption. A good time for me to bring Joanna back as well. Since I really do want to stick with the OG game. Which people liked, but I didn't noticed NTS fans hated NTR tbh. Well, my writing ain't netorareish enough anyways.

I am trying to find a good proper formula for me to use.

Either a nukige? Less writing which have a lot of sex scenes.

More dialogues? Which have a lot of nonsense talking but less sex scene.

I did have some talk with some guy. Netori+NTR is really tricky and it killed suspense of the story. Since, I want to focus the story on Jack in chapter 2 only.

I am also thinking to blacken out Jack face. So, people would purely see him as unnecessary character. I see this being done a lot in NTR games lately. I know using a male character feels miserable but.... I don't mind genderbend him tbh. Because there is futa on male and genderbended version of him. Which I added for another ending and continue from there.

I give another option which is the original before I added that.



In terms of potential and possibilities, to have POV from all 6 party members. It also has the advantage that Jack can do something offscreen that the player shouldn't know yet.


This is why I played a lot of Takeda game and see how he is doing it. Because, if I do Netori this early. It killed the plan I have made for that monster lord tbh. I am doing Paradise Island at the moment for killing the boredom of me focusing Jack only. It got boring tbh. But yeah, it is just momentary of me to have fun in the meanwhile. It is a good time as well where Sayako would teach Sanako and Ayako some magic. Which, they will use those magic in order to get the girls. Just, yeah. Having some fun in the meanwhile. After all, I did want to bring Joanna back.


One of the better male pov ntr devs imo are the ones like 雨宿り蛙 or 栗pick(Though 栗pick is also the most extreme and bad end despair rpgmakers easily- of any I have ever played and I have played a lot. So it's polarizing just by having such evil antagonists in a shitty world).. 雨宿り蛙 games let you play with or without heroine POV and that's nice. But that also means you must make a story that makes sense even if you take the heroine pov out. And that's why male pov is easier to start with then inserting scenes for heroine povs. But goooood luck. Maybe nukige is the way to go and just pushing the humiliating-type NTR rather than building a big scheme around it since that seems like what you're struggling with. If you go the nukige route- I think Sayako should just get a lot rougher-sooner.. and be obviously a bad person rather than one capitalizing on a new dick and horny heroines. On that note I really really wish Scars of Summer was an NTR game instead of a BSS game... That's a good example of a game with a ton of potential for NTR but failed because the MC is incompetent and chooses not to propose and get in a relationship at all. Rather than anything being stolen- he just chooses not to act while others do.


This is why I am thinking to do like nebel or building our futature tbh. Because I am only focusing on one linear story right now. Because, the game story would go all over the place. I still stick to the power scaling of Sayako and Jack tbh. I give that mysterious pov due to some asked for it. Since, I like mysterious pov myself as well. But, I am trying to find some formula. What take a lot of time out of me is executions and animations. Because, I will be honest, I have been focusing the main story the whole time and think if I can do a proper executions. I really wanted to stick with my vision of Futa NTR for chapter 2. Which I know I know, using Jack is pure miserable because he's a male. Sayako aren't supposed to be petty tbh. She is supposed to be really manipulative. This is why the game goes all over the place. The one that are enjoying the situation is Sanako. Ayako even got corrupted by Sayako. I scrapped NTS storyline because yeah, I literally gave up on it. Like I said, I did want to hold it but, it will end up as NTR tbh. This is why I said, some NTS fans don't like NTR. Which... doesn't make any sense...? While NTR don't like it ended up like building our futature or nebel kind of thing.? I know it would tell a different story, but I am interested in getting Sayako. Also, it would just increase my workload in writing tbh. Just, I am thinking to do Paradise Island in order to bring back Joanna and build a story about Sayako a bit. Foreshadowing I guess. Since, that will be hardcore corruption since I got bored focusing on Jack story alone tbh. That will be Netori kind of thing. Since... Sayako going to cuck someone in that part.