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Hi everyone,

Sorry about the weirdness with the download link. This one will be live through to the end of month.

I'm really hoping that my laptop comes in (I've been waiting 8 weeks now!) so that I can work while away from home. That should significantly help with getting new content put together!

Also, in the interest of transparency and access for you, I'll also be posting out the Heart Pledge download link as well to you :)

Here's the download link!

Releases this month:

  • The Light Centurions
  • Witch Way
  • Pink Orb - chapter 3
  • Short story

- Tidy_Fox




All good! Thank you.

Jeremiah Lewis

Link doesn't work. "Hm, we couldn't find that one This file may have been deleted, moved or made unavailable. Try reaching out to the file owner." EDIT: works now. Thanks!

Nixie Tube

Link is still nor working. I am also getting the: Hm, we couldn't find that one This file may have been deleted, moved or made unavailable. Try reaching out to the file owner.


I'm also getting the same error message as the other commenters


Urk, I'm so sorry! These links are very annoying - I've just reset it and should work now. Let me know if there are any issues!