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Hi everyone,

Over the past few weeks there's been so much uncertainty on the future of my stories - and more than any other it's been about the Pink Orb.

So to allay your fears and concerns, A Pink Orb Story: Bill and May will continue here on Patreon!

Now that things are somewhat back under control, I've had space to think about the stories and where they stand in relation to the content guidelines and, y'know actually Pink Orb chapter 3 as it currently stands I think falls within them!


Unfortunately, I am still in a bit of a limbo with Search and Consume, Bree's Transformation, Succubus Snacks and The Slut Mirror. I'll let you all know when I've considered those more deeply...

- Tidy_Fox



Misty F.

Oh? Is the orb going to work it's magic on Billy's gf?


Yeah !


Is there a way to read the first two chapters?

DVnt Lad

I'm trying still trying to figure out what was wrong with Search and Consume, Bree's Transformation. Ive seen worst on patreon IMHO.


I don't disagree at all! There's probably worse stuff, it just happened that my page got flagged or popped up for a review and it wasn't in line with the guidelines. It's a big bummer


I think it was implied in part 1 that it had already done so and that's why billy was looking for her.


Please keep making stories. Your art work and story telling is great. Wish I would've grabbed the stories when you uploaded them to mega. I didn't know it was temporary.

E d

where can i find all the current pages? I can only find the first 4