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Hi everyone,

With Mega download up over the last week, I hope everyone's had a chance to download the current set of stories.

To come in line with the content guidelines of Patreon, I'll be removing the existing stories from both Pstreon and Mega in 24 hours.

But we'll be starting up some new comics too so stay tuned, there's still good ol' transformation content incoming :)

Thanks for your awesome support and encouragement through this not so awesome time, everyone!

- Tidy_Fox



Jeremiah Lewis

Might want to clarify, removing the stories from just Patreon, or removing them from Mega, too? Kinda sounds like both, right now.


Hi Jeremiah, thanks have clarified in the wording but sadly it will include Mega. Patreon have told me I can't host or link to it. 😓

Silent J

Does this mean Pink Orb and Search and Consume are dead projects?


Can i get a password please? i asked yesterday, Be a shame If it's too late to see the stuff being wiped.


Definitely not dead, just stuck a little in limbo right now! I really give a damn about those stories and have their whole arcs planned out. I just haven't figured out where/how I will post the continuation of those stories or if I re-write them to fall in with the content guidelines... I think Pink Orb chapter 3 might be able to with relatively minor hassle but definitely not Search and Consume

DVnt Lad

First thanks for giving us a heads up prior to the Mega uploads, Second thanks for providing the Mega Uploads. Third, Most of your stories did not have incest or under age individuals that I could tell. Is there another criteria I am missing in your soon to be banned from patreon stories?


The position is that hypnosis, transformation and drugs in the context of sex is classified by Patreon's content guidelines as sexual assault and/or rape due to the coerced/bogus consent from the parties.