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Hi Heart Pledges,

Here are the latest pages for Bree's Transformation as Adi falls deeper into the hole she's digging herself. 

We're coming up to the end of the chapter now, with only one more release before we close off this part of the story!

Enjoy! ^____^

- Tidy_Fox




Love your work! I enjoy your take to on “transformation/corruption” of self, and in particular I enjoy the nuance + empowerment your characters enjoy in their evolution. Of course they take it to the extreme, where once moral and chaste spirits become remorseless, pitiless, and depraved… but I like that you include a middle ground, even though characters never quite remain there. Sometimes too much compassion is detrimental, sometimes it isn’t good to be a pushover and a nice person. Being selfish for a change is something to be considered once in a while, etc… I like how these spirits aren’t directly malicious, and how Adi (and Bree) is consciously aware of the change to her personality + identity. It really helps give a sense of choice that conflicts with the drastic, magical and incredible change that Adi goes through. Even though Adi is “losing her sense of self” and becoming a completely different person, she’s “aware” of it at the same time: that artistic conflict is part of the reason why this story and the change of Adi is compelling + engaging. It’s not often seductive corruption + transformation is portrayed as empowering, and yet still unnerving with the sense of “identity death” that comes with such drastic change! Pardon the ramble, haha. Just really good work! Absolutely love how you do eyes.


Hey Mach, you have no idea how good this makes me feel reading your thoughts on it! I love how you termed it too: "seductive corruption + transformation" That captures a big part of what I love about transformations, the pull and allure of it along with their slow descent and change into something else. :) Thank you for taking the time to write this!