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Hi everyone!

Here's part 2 of the Slut Mirror. In classic Tidy_Fox style, my original short story got hamstrung and stretched out into a moderately longer story. The initial quick transformation story is now taking up a solid few pages of my notebook with thumbnails and story points!

I hope you enjoy the slow descent of Ness and her friends :)

Part 1 is here: (Soul Pledge) The Slut Mirror - part 1

All 20 pages so far are also available on the attached PDF too!

- Tidy_Fox



m hovis

You mention thumbnails and notes. I'm interested in comic writing, is there anyway you could show your notes on how you construct the story?

m hovis

BTW, I am really enjoying your site, especially the Pink Orb story line, but I really like your other stuff, including, obviously, this one :)


Hey! Thanks and so happy you're enjoying them! Totally happy to talk writing and planning and comics things! Probably best to hit me up on twitter (https://twitter.com/tidy_fox) because Patreon chat function kind of sucks. :)