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Its with regret and yet also pride that I must announce that one month before our four year anniversary, we've reached the end of the line. (Also I now want Tron inspired halflings..)

Max after more than four years of brilliant sculpting and design work has chosen to move onwards along his own journey, that seems to also include some much needed rest. Which we fully support, and frankly understand ourselves.

We have chosen instead of trying to recruit even more sculptors and no doubt slowly but surely lose the consistent style that has blessed One Gold Piece through out its entire history to end a great thing, before it becomes a bad thing.

In a few weeks the August release will be posted, and this will be our final release. The patreon will be shutdown. Thank you all for the support over this epic journey that started so long ago it feels like.

Regarding availability of past releases as STL files, we are reconsidering this once more with making files available but at a much higher price per file. Ultimately though no final decisions have been made. Until something changes, you can find most of our past releases available as physical prints over at Wyrm Forge

As an expanded note, I know this policy has been controversial within our community, and its one I personally have disliked as well, though it has been a necessary step for our business model. Unlike many of the Patreons and now Tribes that exist, Wyrm Forge is first and foremost a physical miniatures businesses, and a production business with facilities, employees and so forth. Our strategy from the beginning when creating OGP and doing releases at the unheard of price of $1/mo for 4-6 miniatures a month (Quite possibly still one of the best values present even so many years later) was to service the 3D printing hobbyist community that we love, but ultimately make most of our revenue from selling physical versions of these models to the at then much wider consumer base that did not own and were not interested in 3D printing. As most of us know this has changed drastically in the years that followed from 2020, and now resin 3D printing is quite common, and even most brick and mortar game stores now feature 3D printers available for their customers to use. This poses quite some challenges when then attempting to sale physical versions, let alone work with local game stores and retailers to make these fantastic miniatures available on their shelves. Thus our policy change a while back to making our STL releases exclusive to our fantastic community at the same amazing price that we started with, but limiting broader availability to satisfy business needs, retailers, and so forth. All in all our industry and hobby that we love is changing a lot these last 5 years, and no doubt will continue to change more.



Max Maurel

Thanks to westfalia and wyrmforge for these 4 years. I do leave OGP but will still be roaming the internets with my sculpts ( at a very undefined pace for now). Cheers everybody and thanks for your good words !

Patrick Cunningham

So glad I got to go along this long! Hope everyone gets the rest they have earned! thank you