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Here is a roll of Kodak Vericolor 400 using the Pentax67ii.

You might ask yourself why is this black and white and why the hell would I shoot a roll of expired film from the 80s on a paid gig? Well, that's two great questions. 

So why is it bnw? Because the colors of the developed film looked like this:

So even if I brought back contrast, colors are fucked as you can see, so going black and white was the logical thing to do. As for queston 2, why would I shoot risky expired film from the 80s on a paid gig? Well because you have to see these photos as extra content, I was paid to deliver digital photos (or whatever I could dish out) so I knew I was going to shoot a lot of digital photos so I didn't care how this film would come out, I just took a chance. That said, I love these photos in bnw, Sofia (Sokoloff) loved them too. I also was safe using Kodakgold ealier, I knew it was coming out great because it was risk free and I am confident in what I'm doing. 

I wasn't paid a lot of money for this shoot, it was decent at best, if she wanted all film photos I would have charged it and it would have been taken under consideration, but she knew film was expensive (imagine today with these RIDICULOUS prices) and she also knew I could emulate the film look. 

Long story short, I love expired film, I will always take the risk while shooting a backup. 



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