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Here is the 1st and last time I used a Leica M6 on 2016.

This was my buddy from work's camera, he really wanted me to try it, I hesitated at first because I was scared to break it or something, but I said yes in the end because it was probably the one time I would use a Leica, and for now I was right.

I really like the results, it's probably the top 35mm camera ever, however I remember having trouble with the rangefinder patch, I couldn't see if focus was aligned, maybe it was a problem with his copy, but for a camera this price I would expect not having trouble focusing you know. My canonet's viewfinder and rangefinder patch is super clean and easy to focus, and it's worth 200$ at best.

Anyhow, it's an awesome camera nonetheless. Here I used some Kodak Tri-x pushed to 800 and it looks phenomenal. 




Nice series! Really like the light. I have both a M6 and a Canonet, and might M6 is brighter and usually easier to focus. Both great cameras :)

Alfredo Ziano

Thanks ! Cool, it was probably a problem with this model in particular. Still a camera I would love to own one day. 🤞🏼

Trevor W
