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Here's some rare urbex from yours truly !

From time to time I pass by this abandoned church in Montreal with the temptation to go look inside. This time I saw the inviting uncovered entrance, so my wife stopped the car and told me to go. 

She gave me 15 minutes and if I wasn't responding she would call the cops because she wasn't going in there to retrieve me if something went down lol.

In my mind there would have been a few homeless in there because it's sorta the perfect place to hide from the winter cold, but besides some pigeons it was clear. 

However, I didn't go in the basement because it was pitch black and I didn't feel like flashing my phone light in there.

How inviting is this? Found footage flashes hit me right there on the spot so I bailed, also I was running out of time with the wife waiting for me in the car ;)

Maybe next time I'll bring the Handycam, who knows :)

I used the Ricoh GRIII for these photos, this set is the proof to always have a camera on you, because it was not planned at all and you never know when you will need to take some photos. #trulypocketable 



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