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Hey everyone, last week I went on a trip to Wildwood NJ with the family and I decided to share the photos I took with you guys. 

Part I will cover the night scenes I took while part II will show off some street photography. 

These were taken with the Ricoh GRIII, hand held, some as low as 1/8th of a second, these stabilizers are impressive, who needs tripods anymore. :)

At first I was using the Olympus XA and the Nikon LR35af, however I did not finish the film in there yet, for some reason I wasn't super inspired to shoot once I got there. However after a few days, as soon as I took out the Ricoh I was inspired again, it's just so easy and convenient. But again, I'm all for convenience lately and it's pushing me to shoot digital instead of film. These were basically taken on 2 separate nights. 

As you can see, on the 2nd night there was some fog in the air:

But as I was shooting, the fog was dissipating pretty fast. 

I brought one of my e-scooters on the trip and it was really useful here, got me from one stop to another real fast without hoping in and out of the car or even walking forever. I covered lots of ground real fast with only the Ricky in my back pocket, now that is redefining convenience. 

This hotel caught my eye while I was speeding away, and I'm glad it did ! Wildwood has some crazy hotels, it's stuck in the past to say the least. 

I didn't take that many shots during the day except the street photography I did on the boardwalk (as you will see in part II) and some family shots which I won't bore you with. That said, here are the few I took, again with the Ricoh:

I hope you guys enjoyed these photos, stay tuned for part II.



Peter Nelson

These are fantastic! I love doing night time photography. Years ago when I was doing lots of it, I was doing some shoots in a graveyard and I was stopped by a cop. Luckily I had been warned that this might happen so I had my portfolio with me including examples of published night time photography work I had done. So he was fascinated and we had a nice conversation about it and I think I started him off on a new hobby.