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Let's jump right back in to part II using the Olympus Stylus Epic aka the mjuii.

I had the grey version, but it also comes in black, so nice.

Here we have some Fuji Superia Reala 100, another great film Fujifilm killed off:

Like I've said in part I, I came back to these spots because it was on my way from work or vice-versa. Trying new compositions and new ways to see the same areas different is a great exercise for a photographer, it makes you think and try things you wouldn't if you only had one shot at it. 

For the following car photos I brought a tripod, point & shoot on a tripod, why not. 

I saw this car while I passed by in my car, so I came back during the night hoping it was still there, thankfully it was. I wanted to try the Reala 100 for night time photos, came out decent I think.

Next, more Superia 400:

Some more cars, because I am a film photographer after all :)

Fall is the best time for taking photos, can't beat these colors and the fall light.

Btw, I just noticed that this post is all Superia, next, Superia 800:

Alright, so the rest is all Superia 1600, one of my all time favorite color film. I had bought a bundle from Ebay at one time, I think I still have one or 2 left.

I have a thing for light posts, if you haven't noticed yet.

Also a great camera to bring on shows, especially with hight speed film.

And the DX coding is compatible with ISO 1600 on this camera, which is great.

Looking back, the mjuii has a built in flash, which is also great, however I never really experimented with the flash, sadly.

Some shadow work:

Kids + Wolf:

It's also a fun camera to use in a BTS sort of way:

You can also use it for portraits in a more serious manner, why not. 

Remember when I used it on a shoot with Andrea for a few shots:


Moving on...

Put on that timecode for some real nostalgia, whenever it still works. 

So I think this is it. 

Looking back, I miss this camera. Yes I sold it, such a dumbass I can be sometimes, although I don't regret it, selling to buy something new is always fun and sometimes it's the only way to justify your new toy and not feel too bad. 

I always see copies ending up on Marketplace, but rarely see it at reasonable pricing, it can be ridiculous paying 500$ for a camera which once the electronic fries it's done, especially that these are not getting younger now. I think I sold mine for $250CAD a few years back, which was somewhat reasonable. You never know, I might own it once again someday, I could get a mjui, which was the first model, it would do the job.

Anyway, hope you like these posts, will probably pick a different camera and make another Stories post, the Olympus XA comes to mind. #Olympusgang

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend !


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