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Here's the full set of Eden on expired Fuji Reala 100 taken with the Olympus SP35. 

Direct sunlight was becoming a rarity for me at this point, but now I have access to it in mornings, I love how this turned out, colours came out warm and beautiful, skin tones are just on point. For those wondering if I process or color correct film photos, well I don't really, except sometimes (especially if I underexpose) when the photos comes out too faded or green casted, rest of the time I just adjust contrast but rare that I process the colors. 

I am becoming addicted to that Pro-mist filter as you can see, how can you not like this, so soft:

Eden gave me some crazy poses and I love that. I didn't have to direct or anything, she was posing and I was just moving around to find good angles, she would be perfect for photographers without experience. Speaking of angles, before the shoot she told me that she had a good side, I think it was her left side, anyway I did not really pay special attention to that statement because I was confident I could take good pictures of her even on her bad side. ;)

Her gaze can be mesmerizing and the complexion of her face reminds me a bit of Debbie Harry, don't you think or that's just me?
