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Here's part 1 of 3 of the full digital set with Lydia from May 2019 taken on the Fuji X-Pro2 camera. 

This was back when I used cringe "love motels" to shoot with models, when the guy at the front desk had no idea I wasn't going there to do you know what but take photos instead. I remember leaving after the shoot, going out the door with my big photo bag and tripod accompanied with Lydia and her friend which was tagging along with us, the cleaning lady saw us and gave me the look of shame, pretty sure she was thinking we filmed stuff in there hehe. 

At first I was asking the guys up front, telling them my intentions to shoot in the rooms, most of the time my requests were declined. So I said to myself fuck it, I wasn't going to ask anymore, living on the edge lol, they will most probably never find the photos anyway, and since the photos are not for any marketing or brands who cares anyway. Never had any problems on that end, but still I suggest you go in there empty handed, leave the gear in the car and go pick it up afterwards, play the part and things should run smoothly. 




Beautiful work man and sometimes forgiveness is better than permission in this case haha

Amoral Nude Art

J'ai vécu la même situation sur un de mes shoots à Paris, certains hotels n'aiment pas trop les photographes...