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Here's the "full set" of Kodak Portra 400 Taken on the Pentax67ii. 

For some reason I don't remember why there are 3 photos missing from this set. Usually it happens that the 1st shot from the roll doesn't get exposed for some reason on the Pentax, or I miss a shot completely and don't include it, however here I have no clue what happened to these 3 photos, maybe I shot something else on there and misplaced it somewhere, who knows. I would have to go find the negatives, but I am not brave enough for this challenge. You see my negatives are not organized properly, most of them are all still rolled up in a few shoe boxes, yeah I know how shameful of me. 



Charlie Markley

I know how you feel, my negatives are scattered across most of my state at this point. And sadly my first 5 rolls are completely lost because the pharmacy I had develop them said they "don't do negatives".